Town of Alton

Official Website of Alton, New Hampshire

Conservation Meeting

Thursday, March 24, 2022 - 6:00pm
Alton Town Hall
1 Monument Square
Alton, NH 03809

March 24th, 2022 at 6:00 P.M.
Members and others Present:
Gene Young, Chairman Dana Rhodes, Vice Chairman Earl Bagley
Russ Wilder Tom Diveny David Mank – Alternate
Virgil McDonald
Members Absent:
Call Meeting to Order:
Public Announcements:
Approval of Agenda:
Approval of Minutes:
February 24th, 2022
(Any permit or application that has been signed off by the Chair or Vice-Chair is entered here for the record, unless any Commissioner has questions or comments)
Planning Board/ZBA Department Head Review Agenda Items:
1) Roberts Knoll Campground Proposal-1439 Wolfeboro Highway, M19 L8-2 – Proposal to add to the existing campground; 12 Campsites, a bathhouse and a pavilion.
-Signed by Gene Young 3/9/2020
2) SACO-Alton Proposal – 370 Main St., M32 L50 – Proposal to obtain Multi-Family structure approval with one new unit in the garage on the second floor.
-Signed by Gene Young 3/9/2022
Alton Conservation Commission
March 24th, 2022
Standard Wetlands Dredge and Fill Applications:
1) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands – Jeremy Stannard, Rattlesnake Island, M75 L54 – Applicant proposes to construct a 70’ rock breakwater (1,020 sq. ft. / 158 cu. Yds.) and a 4’x52’ cantilevered pier accessed by a 4’x16’ walkway (278 sq. ft.) on 101’ of average frontage along the shore of Lake Winnipesaukee.
2) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands – John & Donna Miller, Sleepers Island, M73 L24 – Applicant proposes to construct a 6’ x 30’ permanent docking structure supported on (6) piles and install (4) tie-off piles and (1) ice-cluster on 100’ of average shoreline frontage of Lake Winnipesaukee.
3) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands – MJG Living Trust & JMG Living Trust, 58 Rollins Rd. M62 L26 – Applicant proposes the removal of an existing dock and the installation of a new dock using the same access point along the shoreline. The proposed docking structure is a more conforming design instead of the rectangular layout of the existing dock. The new dock’s permanent impact area is 302 sf. The temporary impact of this project includes the temporary construction an access from the top of bank, the removal of existing docking structure, and the installation of the seasonal boat life and two personal watercraft lifts. The total of the temporary impact area is 400 sf.
4) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands – Witteveen Family Trust, 218 Black Point Road. M44 L17 – Applicant proposes to rebuild and extend an existing 40ft rock breakwater, attached 4ft x 34ft cantilevered pier and a 6ft x 30ft piling pier each by 10ft. proposed dockage dimensions to be a 50ft rock breakwater with an attached U-shaped dockage consisting of a 4ft x 44ft cantilevered pier and a 6ft x 40ft piling pier connected by a 40ft x 12ft walkway. Existing ice protection cluster and two fender pilings to be repaired or replaced but moved to deeper water to align with the dock extension. Additionally retain an existing seasonal canopy and install a permanent piling supported boatlift in the center slips of the dockage. Install two seasonal PWC lifts and an existing 4ft wide wooden access stairs to the dock in-kind with no change in size, location or configuration. – Due to insufficient water depths and vast exposer to the broads at Black Point a longer rock breakwater and longer dock is necessary to safely and securely dock boats at this site.
Wetland Permit by Notification (PBN):
1) Wetlands PBN- Linda Stasko Barreira Trust, 132 Minge Cove Rd., M60 L24- Applicant proposes to repair/replace existing 6’ x 33’-9” piling supported docking structure and (2) tie-off piles with no change in size, location or configuration. And to install a 14’ x 30’ seasonal canopy over the southern boat slip of existing docking structure along the shore of Lake Winnipesaukee.
-Signed by Gene Young, 3/3/2022
Alton Conservation Commission
March 24th, 2022
2) Wetlands PBN- John Jackson Parker Trust, 56 Grants Rd., M21 L31- Install a 14’ x 30’ Seasonal canopy over the interior boat slip of existing “U” shaped permanent dock structure along the shore of Lake Winnipesaukee.
-Signed by Gene Young, 3/3/2022
Minimum Impact Expedited Applications:
1) Expedited Minimum Impact (EXP) Wetlands Permit Application- Andrew Kenny, 200 Woodland Rd., M56 L38-1- The applicant proposes to subdivide Tax Map 56, Lot 38 located at 200 Woodlands Road in Alton, NH into two (2) lots. The Existing House on the Waterfront will be combined with a 75 foot by 400-foot parcel on the back land to create one lot and the remaining 5.66-acre lot will need to cross the wetland. The project proposes to fill 1,581 SF of forested wetland in order to access the large buildable portion of the lot.
-Signed by Gene Young, 3/3/2022
Shoreland Permit Applications:
1) Shoreland Permit Application – David & Amy Doyle, 15 Nowicki Point Rd. M62 L20 – Applicant proposes to construct 150 sf addition onto existing seasonal camp and a new garage 26’ x 24’ along with new septic system and well.
Shoreland Permit by Notification (PBN):
Notification of Routine Roadway Maintenance Activities:
Reoccurring/Unfinished Business & Projects:
1) Green Oak Realty-
2) Monitoring-
3) Canoe & Kayak Access to Merrymeeting River-
4) Lake Lay Monitoring Program-
5) Natural Resource Inventory Update
6) Society For The Protection of New Hampshire Forest, Membership Renewal-
New Business:
1) reorganization and election of officers -
Notice of Intent to Cut Timber:
Commissioner Reports:
Alton Conservation Commission
March 24th, 2022
Chairman Reportman Report--
Vice C
Vice Chairhair ReportReport--
Member Reports
Member Reports--
1) NHDES Complete Seasonal Dock Notification for Lakes and Ponds: Gallaway, 56 Sleepers Island M56 L15
2) NHDES RFMI Shoreland (revised) : Kehoe, Mary & James, 282 Sleeper Island, M73 L55
3) NHDES Denied Non-Compliant Wetlands PBN: James Round, 159 Mount Major Highway. M36 L39
4) NHDES RFMI Standard Dredge & Fill Wetlands: 21 Pumpkin Point, Saba. M51 L14
5) Notification of Special Permit Application For Alton – Portions of Lake Winnipesaukee Milfoil Herbicide Treatment. The Town of Alton has contacted Solitude Management to treat portions of Lake Winnipesaukee with the USEPA/State registered herbicide Procellacor EC, to control the exotic variable milfoil weed.
6) NHDES Administratively Complete Expedited Minimum Impact Wetlands Permit App. - Andrew Kenny, 200 Woodland Rd. M56 L38-1.
Date and Time of Next Meeting:
 Thursday, April 14th , 2022, at 6:00pm

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