Town of Alton

Official Website of Alton, New Hampshire

Conservation Mtg.

Thursday, April 13, 2023 - 6:00pm


April 13th, 2023 6 P.M.

Gene Young, Chairman Dana Rhodes, Vice Chairman Earl Bagley
Russ Wilder Tom Diveny David Mank
Brock Mitchell, Selectman’s Rep
Others Present:
Members Absent:
Call Meeting to Order:
Public Announcements:
Approval of Agenda:
Approval of Minutes:
Presentations and Consultations:
(Any permit or application that has been signed off by the Chair or Vice-Chair is
entered here for the record, unless any Commissioner has questions or comments)
Planning Board/ZBA Department Head Review Agenda Items:
1) Case #Z23-05, Varney Engineering, LLC, Agent for Michael & Roberta Watto, owners, Map 34 Lot 33-1, 101 Mount Major Highway, Special Exception Rural Residential (RR) Zone - A Special Exception is requested from Article 300, Section 320 H.3 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit building a new foundation under an existing cottage.
-Signed by Gene Young 3/34/2023
2) Case #P23-10, Norway Plains Associates, Inc, Agent for Lee Family Revocable Trust, Michael & Carolynn Lee, Trustees & Owners, Map 9 Lot 19, 401 New Durham Road, Final Minor Subdivision Residential Rural (RR) Zone - Proposal: To subdivide Map 9 Lot 19 into 2 (two) lots of record. The parent lot would consist of 9.6AC, and proposed Lot 19A would consist of 5.4AC.

Wetland Permit by Notification (PBN):
1) Wetland (PBN) - Jennie Hennigar, 63 Shore Road, M18 L36-1- Watercraft lift size 4ft by 8ft to be placed adjacent to dock slip #11.
-Signed by Gene Young 3/21/2023

Minimum Impact Expedited Applications:

Seasonal Dock Notification Statutory Permit –By-Notification (SPN):
1) Seasonal Dock Notification – John & Maria Crugnale, 96 Levitt Road, M67 L8

Standard Wetlands Dredge and Fill Applications:
1) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands Application – Duloc & McNulty, 39 Four Seasons Drive, M21 L29-3 –(39) Permanently remove existing 4.5ft x 35ft seasonal dock with no work proposed on the existing concrete pad on shore. Install a 6ft x 33ft permanent piling supported dock with two fender pilings and two ice protection clusters. Additionally install a 14x30 seasonal canopy adjacent to the dockage supported by a permanent piling supported boatlift. Install a single seasonal boatlift in the southernmost boat slip of the dockage.

2) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands Application – Duloc & McNulty, 39 Four Seasons Drive, M21 L29-3 – (43) Install h-shaped dockage consisting of an existing 6ft x 55ft main pier, a proposed 6ft x 36ft pier connected by a 6ft x 12ft walkway. Additionally install four ice protection clusters and four fender pilings adjacent to the dockage. Install 14ft x 30ft seasonal canopy supported by a permanent piling supported boatlift, two seasonal boatlifts and two seasonal PWC lifts adjacent to the dockage. Repair or replace an existing 5ft x 20ft wooden boat launch and +/- 100ft of dry laid rock retaining wall in-kind with no change in size, location or configuration.

3) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands Application – Potami LLC & FBO Trust , 57 Four Seasons Drive, M21 L29-6 – Install U-shaped seasonal dockage consisting of two 6ft x 40ft seasonal piers connected by a single 6ft x 12ft seasonal walkway and attached to shore by 4ft x 7ft concrete hinge pads. Additionally install two seasonal boatlifts and two PWC lifts adjacent to the dockage. Lastly, install a 14ft x 30ft canopy that will be supported by seasonal boatlift in the northernmost boat slip. Currently no existing shoreline structures on property.
4) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands Application- Erin & Jacob Sears, Mount Major Highway, M36 L36 – Remove existing dock, deck, wood steps and hoist from it location and relocate to authorized location within the property line extension area of the property owner. Part of N.H. D.O.T R.O.W reestablishment.

Shoreland Permit by Notification (SPBN):
Shoreland Permit Applications:
1) Shoreland Permit Application- Parandes, 65 Suncook Valley Road, M26 L16 – Plan is to build a house with attached garage. A state approved septic system will be installed.
2) Shoreland Permit Application – Marvin Family 2012 Trust, 68 Little Barndoor Island, M81 L17-3- This project consists of constructing a new 697 SF addition to an existing non-conforming structure. The lot has been made more nearly conforming by replacing 428 SF of impervious deck with 520 SF of pervious patio and by adding dripline edges to increase storm water infiltration. The new addition will not encroach further into the setback than the existing structure and no trees will be removed as a result of this project.
3) Shoreland Permit Application – Amlicke, Bruce & Celeste, 96 Black Point Rd, M45 L10 – Impact 3907 sqft to remove an existing driveway west of the house and re-naturalize the area while adding a previous walkway and entrance. Reconfigure the driveway south of the house to add a turnaround.
Notification of Routine Roadway Maintenance Activities:
Reoccurring/Unfinished Business & Projects:
1) Lake Lay Monitoring Program
2) Property Monitoring and Reports
• Hiking trail maintenance
3) Green Oak Realty
4) Natural Resources Inventory Update
5) Gilman pond Management Plan
6) Budget
7) Conserved property signs
8) Future conservation opportunities
New Business:
• Join Lake Winnipesaukee Association
• Election of officers
Commissioner Reports:
Chairman Report-
Vice Chair Report-
Member Reports-
Notice of Intent to Cut Timber:
Kania -275 New Durham Road, M 9 L32
Hillsgrove- Dudley Road – M2 L13
1) Restoration Plan to comply with letter of deficiency – Payzant, 183 Sunset Shore Drive, M70L31
2) Disqualified Seasonal Dock Notification – Stone Wood Realty Trust, 96 Levitt Road, M67 L8
3) NHDES Letter of Closure for Letter of Deficiency-99 Alton Mountain Road.
4) March 2023 Budget & Expense sheet
5) State of New Hampshire Division of Forest and Lands timber sale summary
6) Cedar Cove Beach Wetlands Permit 2019-01061 email.

Date and time of next meeting:
April 27th 6 P.M.


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