Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 6:00 P.M.
Call to Order
Roll Call of Board Members
Appointment of Alternates
Approval of Agenda
1. Public Hearing on the 2024-2025 Proposed Zoning Amendments to the Alton Zoning Ordinance
2. Continued from November 19, 2024
Case #P24-37
Walter Barowski, Applicant for The Walter Barowski Living Trust
Map 6 Lot 1
30 Eagles Way, Suncook Valley Road
Final Minor Subdivision
Rural Zone (RU)
Proposal: To add additional area to locate a manufactured home and delineate an area to be used for a seasonal-only accessory RV.
3. Completeness Review of Application and Public Hearing if Application is Accepted as Complete
Case #P24-47
Prospect Mountain Survey, Paul Zuzgo, Agent for The Moonberry Hill Trust, Earl Bagley, Trustees
Map 4 Lot 1
349 Halls Hill Road
Final Minor Subdivision
Rural Zone (RU)
Proposal: To subdivide lot of 59.42AC into 2 total lots, parent lot of 5.44AC and one lot of 53.98AC.
Case #P24-48
Prospect Mountain Survey, Paul Zuzgo, Agent for Bruce & Victoria Kennedy, Owners
Map 7 Lot 4
597 Avery Hill Road
Final Minor Subdivision
Rural Zone (RU)
Proposal: To subdivide lot of 180.65AC into 2 total lots, parent lot of 7.47AC and one lot of 173.19AC (.16 of the AC in Gilmanton).
4. Design Review
Case #P24-49
Jones & Beach Engineers, Brad Jones, Agent for Overlook Properties, LLC
Map 9 Lot 6-1
Rte 28/436 Suncook Valley Road
Design Review
Rural Zone (RU)
Proposal: To construct a Self-Storage Facility consisting of seven (7) self-storage buildings, forty-four (44) 20’x48’ units with onsite well and septic.
Other Business
1. Old Business:
2. New Business:
a. Approval of Minutes: Planning Board meeting minutes of Tuesday, November 19, 2024
3. Correspondence for the Board's review/discussion/action:
a. Approval of 2025 Planning Board meeting schedule
4. Correspondence for the Board's information:
5. Correspondence for the Board’s information on State Permit Applications:
Any Other Business to Come Before the Board
Public Input on Non-Case Specific Planning Issues
Planning Board Chairman, Bill O’Neil
* If there is foul weather or lack of a quorum, the Public Hearing on applications will be continued to Tuesday, January 21, 2025, at the Alton Town Hall starting at 6:00 P.M.
**All meetings will last no longer than 10:30 P.M., with no new cases or hearings starting after 10:00 P.M., unless extended by a majority vote of the members present. Any items remaining as unfinished business on the agenda will be given priority on the agenda of the next meeting.
RM/ Posted 12/11/2024
Notice is hereby given that the ALTON PLANNING BOARD will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2024, starting at 6:00 PM in the ALTON TOWN HALL, ALTON, NH, to consider proposed amendments to the Alton Zoning Ordinance for 2025 ballot vote, as follows:
- PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED AMENDMENT #1: To amend ARTICLE 200 DEFINITIONS by adding new definitions for “Boathouse”, “Cupola”, “Density”, “Fence, Legal”, “Footprint”, “Front yard”, and “In-kind”.
-PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED AMENDMENT #2: To amend ARTICLE 200 DEFINITIONS by amending definitions for “Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)” and “Seasonal Cabin”.
-PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED AMENDMENT #3: To make corrections to the definition of Nonconforming Structure in ARTICLE 200 DEFINITIONS; and make several changes to SECTION 320 NONCONFORMING USES, STRUCTURES, AND LOTS including wording changes; reorganization; addition of the opportunity to apply for a Special Exception from the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) to change one nonconforming use to another that is equally or more appropriate for the location; limit the expansion of a building containing a nonconforming use to 10%; limit the voluntary replacement of nonconforming structures to those that are structurally deficient and/or can’t meet the NH State Building Code; require a variance from the ZBA for the expansion of the portion of a nonconforming structure that is in the setback; and qualify when nonconforming lots can be built upon without a variance from the ZBA.
-PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED AMENDMENT #4: To amend ARTICLE 300 SECTION 350 MANUFACTURED AND PRE-SITE-BUILT HOUSING by striking the language for pre-site-built housing (modular homes) and creating a new ordinance entitled “SECTION 349 PRE-SITE-BUILT HOUSING”; and to amend SECTION 412 E. RESTRICTIONS GOVERNING USE (this proposed amendment will also stem an amendment to the “TABLE OF CONTENTS” and the “TABLE OF USES”).
-PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED AMENDMENT #5: To amend ARTICLE 400 SECTION 463 RESTRICTIONS GOVERNING USE (Residential Rural Zone (RR) ) by adding language that states that only one residential use may be permitted on a lot, to be consistent with the other zones.
-PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED AMENDMENT #6: To amend ARTICLE 500 by adding a new section, SECTION 535 CONDITIONS, which lists potential conditions of approval for Special Exceptions and Variances.
Copies of the full text of the 2025 Proposed Zoning Amendments proposed by the Planning Board are available free of charge from the Planning Department during regular business hours, are posted at the Post Office and Town Hall for viewing purposes only, and can be found on the Town of Alton website