Until Further Notice: To keep our members and staff safe, and to comply with RSA 91-A, the State of Emergency, and Governor’s Orders, restrictions on public gatherings, The Town of Alton has moved from "in-person" meetings to "remote audio participation meetings”. To remotely attend the meeting (audio only) visit our website: www.alton.nh.gov on the day of the meeting for instructions or telephone the Selectmen’s Office 603-875-2113 or 603-875-0229. There continues to be no Public Input at this time.
Budget Committee
October 22, 2020 @ 6:00 PM
Alton Town Hall
1 Monument Square
Alton, NH 03809
Call to order
Roll Call
Approval of Agenda
New Business
1. Consideration of Candidate(s)
2. Set Meeting Schedule for Town Departments
3. Committee/Department Representative Appointments
Old Business
Approval of Minutes
• January 15, 2020
• February 4, 2020
• September 16, 2020
Other Business (if necessary)