April 22, 2021 at 6:00 P.M.
UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: To keep our members and staff safe, and to comply with RSA 91-A, the COVID-19 State of Emergency, and the Governor's Orders on restrictions at public gatherings, the Town of Alton is holding “remote audio participation meetings”. If you cannot attend remotely, please contact the Conservation Secretary at 603-875-2164 or for further instructions. To remotely attend the meeting visit our website: for telephone access and Zoom access instructions listed under News and Announcements on the home page the day of the meeting. If you are having difficulties accessing the remote meeting, please call 603-507-1002 and someone will assist you.
The Commission voted on October 8, 2020 to temporarily suspend in-person public input due to the SARS-coV-2 pandemic If the public has comments, the comments can be emailed to the Conservation Commission at or sent via US postal mail to Town of Alton Conservation Commission, PO Box 659, Alton NH 03809, and the comments will be read into the record. The Commission will respond to comments as is appropriate.
Approval of Agenda:
Approval of Minutes:
March 11, 2021
Presentations/Consultations: None
Planning Board/ZBA Agenda Items:
1) George Freese, III Rev Trust- East Side Dr, M35 L22
Jessie & Jeffrey Goebel- East Side Dr, M35 L19 & 18
Constance Matheson & Dorothy Binswanger- East Side Dr, M35 L22A
3 Zoning Department Head Reviews for Variances on all the same case. Lots are already nonconforming. The property owners have to come through ZBA first because the lots and structures will still be non- conforming after the fact. Afterwards, this will go through Planning as a Boundary Line Adjustment.
Standard Wetlands Dredge and Fill Applications:
1) Bruce Brown- 22 Notla Ln, M37 L40- Dredge 5 yards of material from 130sqft within the center slip and approval of seasonal boatlift, after the fact.
2) Susan Sullivan- 138 Rattlesnake Island, M75 L30- Construct ‘Water Access Structure” adjacent to existing dockage set at grade with no regrading or re-contouring required. Install seasonal set of water access stairs. Install 2 seasonal boatlifts and PWC lifts. Repair existing permanent dockage ‘in kind’. This project will be accessed from the water side and completed by hand so there are no temporary impacts. A concurrent Shoreland Application is being filed along with this application.
3) Robert & Janet Broughton- 20 Sand Peep Ln, M41 L31- Install 20’x20’ parking area in poorly drained wetland. A concurrent Shoreland Application is being filed along with this application for a demo/rebuild of new house, septic, etc.
4) Trout Unlimited- Hidden Springs Rd (Upstream Boundary), Hurd Brook, M15 L28 & 49 & M18 L15, 17 & 19- Habitat Improvement Project to strategically add wood & fallen trees to restore a more natural amount of instream large wood to benefit the local brook trout population as well as other native aquatic life. The majority of the proposed 1.7-mile project reach of Hurd Brook, spanning from Rt 28 to the confluence with Lake Winnipesaukee, is comprised of wooded stream channel. The avg bankfull width is approx. 15’ with avg slope of 1%. The presence of naturally occurring pieces of large wood along this reach is sparse and falls below the suggested benchmark of approx. 210 pieces per linear mile of stream. On avg, trees that are 6-20” diam. will be added approx. every 100’ and sites selected based on characteristics & morphology, where it will yield the greatest benefit. No trees that have rootwads forming/securing the bank will be cut, and no root balls/root systems will be removed.
Wetland Permit by Notification (PBN): None
Minimum Impact Expedited Applications: None
Shoreland Permit Applications:
1) Susan Sullivan- 138 Rattlesnake Island, M75 L30- Construct walkway and deck between the docks and house, construct access stairs from existing barge landing to house, construct retaining wall along & under the walkway to retain banking, construct shed, and clean-up an area previously filled with stumps and debris. A concurrent Wetland Application is being filed along with this application.
2) Robert & Janet Broughton- 20 Sand Peep Ln, M41 L31- Demo existing house and replace with conforming structure while retaining existing porch and deck location, relocate Sand Peep Ln (a private road), install new septic, trench drain and parking area. A concurrent Wetland Application is being filed along with this application for a 20x20 parking area within a wetland.
3) John & Marie Calabro- Hopewell Rd, M21 L5-7- Construct new house with patio, raised decks, driveway, well, septic, cabana w/attached patio, connecting pathways, stairs and landing.
4) Janette Alimi & Brian Keenan- Hopewell Rd, M21 L5-6- Construct new house with decks, patio, driveway, hot tub, pool, sun deck, well, & connecting pathways and stairs.
5) Amendment- Mark Blanchard- 104 Railroad Ave, M65 L42 & 82- Amend Shoreland Approval#2020-02500 to increase house area with proposed deck, but decrease accessory structure impervious areas; thereby not changing the overall post-construction impervious area per submitted plan.
6) Stonewood Realty Trust- Levitt Rd, M67 L8- Remove old cottage and construct new house with well, septic, patio, walkways, parking area & relocate portion of driveway.
Shoreland Permit by Notification (PBN): None
Notification of Routine Roadway Maintenance Activities: None
Reoccurring/Unfinished Business & Projects:
1) Green Oak Realty-
2) Monitoring-
3) Canoe & Kayak Access to Merrymeeting River- Do you want to Keep this on Agenda?
4) Gaia GPS Professional Account- Do you want to Keep this on Agenda?
5) Gilman Pond Field Mowing- Rodney Sanborn (2016), Benjamin Thompson 534-4494 (2018), Andrew Morse 817-8191, Burt Morse 455-2605, Dave Avery 569-9162
6) Monitoring Records Database setup on Town servers- Wes Demers, UNH Volunteer update. Do we want to just use Dropbox & Gaia GPS, so as not to further duplicate efforts on this?
7) Shape Files for Timbers, PMHS & Hussy Properties-
Commissioner Reports:
1) Tree Damage at Frohock Brook/beaver pond
New Business & Projects:
1) Re-organization of Commission- Elect new officers
2) BCCD Letter to Support and Gilman Management Discussion
3) Town Admin Memo RE: Future of Stockbridge Town Forest
4) Press Release- Volunteer Request
5) Discussion on Updating Natural Resource Inventory
Notice of Intent to Cut Timber: None
1) Bank Statements for Con/Com
2) DES Wetlands Permit- Bruce/Kristen Gurall, 102 Piper Point Rd, M21A L19- Approved-3/15/21
3) DES Insufficient/Untimely Response- Amra Popovac, 8 Marlene Dr, M71 L8. Expired Dredge & Fill Wetlands Permit App.
4) DES RFMI- Standard Wetlands- Gvazdauskas, 90 Smith Point Rd, M64 L3. Additional information requested of the applicant by May 24, 2021.
5) DES RFMI-Standard Wetlands- Mullen, 995 Suncook Valley Rd, M22 L11. Additional information submitted by the applicant’s representative, Changing Seasons Engineering to DES on March 25, 2021.
6) BCM Environmental Land Law- Reimers-GreenOak Bill for signature.
7) DES Amended Shoreland Permit- Long, 156-160 Smith Point Rd, M64 L17 & 25. Amended 3/31/21.
8) DES Wetlands Permit- Mullen, 995 Suncook Valley Rd, M22 L11- Approved 4/8/21.