Town of Alton

Official Website of Alton, New Hampshire

Conservation Meeting

Thursday, June 10, 2021 - 6:00pm
Alton Town Hall
1 Monument Square
Alton, NH 03809



June 10, 2021 at 6:00 P.M.


Members Present:
Gene Young, Chairman Quinn Golden, Vice Chairman Earl Bagley
Russ Wilder Dana Rhodes Tom Diveny, Alternate
Virgil Macdonald, Selectmen’s Rep Bob Doyle Melinda Ferreira, Secretary

Members Absent:

Call Meeting to Order:

Announcements: UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: To keep our members and staff safe, and to comply with RSA 91-A, the COVID-19 State of Emergency, and the Governor's Orders on restrictions at public gatherings, the Town of Alton is holding “remote audio participation meetings”. If you cannot attend remotely, please contact the Conservation Secretary at 603-875-2164 or for further instructions. To remotely attend the meeting visit our website: for telephone access and Zoom access instructions listed under News and Announcements on the home page the day of the meeting. If you are having difficulties accessing the remote meeting, please call 603-507-1002 and someone will assist you.
The Commission voted on October 8, 2020 to temporarily suspend in-person public input due to the SARS-coV-2 pandemic If the public has comments, the comments can be emailed to the Conservation Commission at or sent via US postal mail to Town of Alton Conservation Commission, PO Box 659, Alton NH 03809, and the comments will be read into the record. The Commission will respond to comments as is appropriate.

Approval of Agenda:

Approval of Minutes:
April 22, 2021
May 27, 2021

Presentations/Consultations: None.

Planning Board/ZBA Agenda Items:
1) Patricia O’Leary- 1787 Mount Major Hghwy, M66 L7
Zoning Department Head Review for Special Exception of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the expansion of 200sqft on the second floor only, above the current existing first floor living space. (G.Young signed 4/27/21)
2) John Matarozzo Jr- Sadco/Jones & Beach Engineers- Suncook Valley Rd, M9 L6
Zoning Department Head Review for Special Exception of the Zoning Ordinance to permit boat storage and contractor equipment storage in the Rural Zone. (G.Young signed 4/27/21)
3) Douglas Brown & Susan Sciotto-Brown- 1179 Mount Major Hwy, M17 L701
Planning Department Head Reviedw Request to conduct a home business in their basement as an automotive dealer/mechanical restoration (3-5 autos per year). No employees- business will be owner operated. No customer or client traffic.

Standard Wetlands Dredge and Fill Applications:
1) Perrillo Family Trust- Quarry Rd, M18 L1- Intermittent stream crossing for access to a homesite. The installation of the culvert and driveway crossing is permanent. Hydrology analysis has been done for 50 & 100year storm events.
2) Christopher Andrews- Big Barndoor Island, M80 L29- Construct a 615sqft rock breakwater with a 3x34 cantilevered pier to a 4x12 walkway to a 6x30 piling dock in a ‘U’configuration accessed by a 4x10 walkway to shore to provide 2 protected boatslips safe docking. Breakwater is a straight breakwater design with small dogleg at the lakeward most end minimizing impacts when compared to other design alternatives. This property experiences significant wave energy and wrap around effects from prevailing winds that travel across the broads & directly impact Big Barndoor Island & Clay Point.

Wetland Permit by Notification (PBN):
1) Daniel & Jennifer Harding- 94 Piper’s Point Ln, M21A L16- Repair existing permanent piling dock and three attached stairs that were severely damaged by ice. No change in size or location is proposed. This project will result in temp impacts of 200sqft to the lake, 18sqft to the bank and 6 linear ft to the bank. Proper sediment and erosion controls will be installed prior to repairs and maintained until work & debris removal has been completed.
2) Michael Gallup- 88 Piper’s Point Ln, M21A L15- Repair existing permanent piling dock and supports that were severely damaged by ice. No change in size or location is proposed. This project will result in temp impacts of 196sqft to the lake. Proper sediment and erosion controls will be installed prior to repairs and maintained until work & debris removal has been completed.
3) Gregory & Jennifer Findlen- 91 Sunset Shore Dr, M70 L7- Install 6x30 seasonal dock that will be attached to the shore by a4x7 concrete hinge pad, and install single seasonal boatlift and 2 seasonal PWC lifts.
4) Kolodziej & Alpers- 189 Trask Side Rd, M42 L17-1- Repair existing grandfathered dock (+-330) supported by 14x15 wood/rock crib support. Appropriate erosion controls to be utilized.

5) Laura A Sagris Rev Trust of 2000- 362 Big Barndoor Island, M81 L9- Repair existing permitted breakwater damaged by ice by replacing 2cu yds of fallen rock back into the breakwater in the original location. All work to be done in like kind with no expansion of the existing structures.

Minimum Impact Expedited Applications:
1) Alston Realty Trust- 119 Echo Point Rd, M41 L11- Repair ice damage to northeast dock. Bargs Inc to replace damaged structure and remove old crib which is falling apart, and install protective poles where necessary. (G.Young signed 5/7/21)

Shoreland Permit Applications:
1) Andrew & Shannon Kenney- 200 Woodlands Rd, M56 L38- Install a driveway to access backend of the lot, crossing through shoreland area with a centerline distance of 145’ and a total area of 1734sqft. (Commission Received 4/12/21; DES Approved 4/13/21)
2) Boucher, Lorraine- 30 Varney Rd, M22 L18- Replace existing structures and move 6’ landward to be more nearly conforming. The existing 840sqft primary structure will be replaced and expanded with a 1237sqft structure. The proposed expansion will take place beyond the 50ft setback, with an 18” dripedge surround the building. The applicant also proposes to reconfigure the existing decks & construct a 320sqft attached garage beyond the 50ft setback; replace the existing dirt parking area with pervious driveway; remove an existing 64sqft shed within the 50ft setback; and replace the septic system.
3) Lee Michael Mclean- 35 Brook & Bridle Ln, M21 L12-3- Owner proposes to construct a new addition to the existing house, and add an underground LP tank and install a new sewage disposal system.

4) Christopher Andrews- Big Barndoor Island, M80 L29- Applicant proposes to temporarily impact 4150+-sqft to construct a new 3 bedroom septic, 2 bedroom cottage, w/attached decks, stepping stone path to proposed dock & provide a 150sqft deck placed approx. 22’ from shore. There are 2 trees required to be removed within the waterfront segments to facilitate the path and deck construction, but the impacted segment will have more than the required 25 points remaining. The new septic will be located approx. 150’ from the reference line. Total impacts within the shoreland will equal 6058sqft.

Shoreland Permit by Notification (PBN): None

Notification of Routine Roadway Maintenance Activities: None

Reoccurring/Unfinished Business & Projects:
1) Green Oak Realty- Working on Cease & Desist.

2) Monitoring-

3) Canoe & Kayak Access to Merrymeeting River-

4) Gaia GPS Professional Account-

5) Gilman Pond Field Mowing- Rodney Sanborn (2016), Benjamin Thompson 534-4494 (2018), Andrew Morse 817-8191, Burt Morse 455-2605, Dave Avery 569-9162

6) Shape Files for Timbers, PMHS & Hussy Properties-

7) Natural Resource Inventory Update- Quote Received from Stoney Ridge Environmental & Estimate from FB Environmental.

Commissioner Reports:

New Business:
1) Motion to Rescind Hold on Public Input- If the Governor ends the State of Emergency on the afternoon of June 10th as is expected, the Commission must make a motion and vote on rescinding the hold on public input that was voted on October 8, 2020 to temporarily suspend in-person public input due to the SARS-coV-2 pandemic.

2) NH Lakes Membership Renewal- Invoice received.

3) 2022 Budget- Email from Town Administrator.

Notice of Intent to Cut Timber:
1) Kemper Land Holdings LLC- Drew Hill Rd, M19 L31 & 32-
2) Justin Cooper- Avery Hill Rd, M10 L6-
3) Robert Carr- Dudley Rd, M2 L3-
4) Ron & Dorene Charles- Wilburt Way, M31 L30
5) Thomas Murray- Old Wolfeboro Rd, M12 L40

1) Budgeted Expense Sheet for Con/Com
2) Bank Statements for Con/Com
3) Boundary Marker Invoice- Adrian Name Plates
4) DES Wetlands Permit- Amra Popovac, 8 Marlene Drive, M71 L8- Approved 4/20/21
5) DES Wetlands Permit- Bruce Brown, 22 Notla Ln, M37, L40- Approved 4/27/21
6) DES Wetlands Permit- Ogonowski-Michaud Trust, 51 Keewaydin Dr, M38 L23- Approved 4/28/21
7) DES RFMI Shoreland-Alimi & Keenan, Hopewell Rd, M21 L6 (eagle nest lot)
8) DES Wetlands Permit- Gvazdauskas, 90 Smith Pt Rd- Approved 5/21/21
9) DES Shoreland Permit- Alimi/Keenan, Hopewell Rd, M21 L6- Approved 5/27/21


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