July 8, 2021 at 6:00 P.M.
Members and others Present:
Gene Young, Chairman Quinn Golden, Vice Chairman Earl Bagley
Russ Wilder Dana Rhodes Tom Diveny, Alternate
Virgil Macdonald, Selectmen’s Rep Bob Doyle
Members Absent:
Melinda Ferreira, Secretary
Call Meeting to Order:
Public Announcements: Chairman to announce that restrictions on public gatherings from “in-person” meetings to “remote audio participation meetings”, in regards to the COVID-19 State of Emergency, and the Governor’s Orders on restrictions at public gatherings, have been RESCINDED.
Approval of Agenda:
Presentations/Consultations: None.
Approval of Minutes:
June 10, 2021
Planning Board/ZBA Agenda Items:
1) Z21-17- Rosenthal Family Trust- 76 Shore Rd, M18 L36-3- A Variance is requested from the Zoning Ordinance to permit the creation of a new lot of record, through a boundary line adjustment that doesn’t meet the current frontage requirements in the Lakeshore Residential Zone. (G.Young signed off on 6/22/21)
2) Z21-18- Jake & Jenna O’Brien- 514 Rattlesnake Island, M79 L34- A Variance is requested from the Zoning Ordinance to permit the voluntary rebuild of current structure within 30’ of the shoreline setback. (G.Young signed off on 6/22/21)
3) Z21-19- Bill & Barbara Toothaker- 27 Torelli Terrace, M33 L29-1- A Variance is requested from the Zoning Ordinance to permit the expansion of a non-conforming structure for a nonconforming use beyond existing elevations. (G.Young signed off on 6/22/21)
Standard Wetlands Dredge and Fill Applications:
1) Raymond & Darlene Breton- Rattlesnake Island, M79 L39- Applicant proposes to construct a 10x10 water access platform, which is removable and rests on the surface of the land, and to construct a perched beach with associated walkways connecting to the existing house.
Wetland Permit by Notification (PBN):
1) Leah Debra Read- 9 Lamprey Ledge Rd, M61 L13- Applicant proposes to repair existing damaged crib supported dockage and walkway along shore (supported by rocks/boulders). Replace damaged/deteriorated pilings supporting a boat lift. No change in size, location or configuration is proposed. (G.Young signed off 6/23/21)
2) Thomas Economou- 5 George’s Rd, M37 L47- Applicant proposes to repair an existing 198+-sqft piling supported dockage “in-kind” and two accessory pilings. No change in size, location or configuration is proposed. Install two seasonal watercraft lifts adjacent to dockage. No temporary impacts are anticipated. Prior approval 2007-218. (G.Young signed off 7/1/21)
Minimum Impact Expedited Applications:
1) Stephen & Deborah Awalt- 18 Melody Ln, M59 L13- Applicant proposes to repair dock and breakwater in-kind. Dock repairs include replacing existing support piling. Breakwater repairs include resetting fallen and disturbed rocks. (G.Young signed off 6/28/21)
Shoreland Permit Applications:
1) Jason Muise & Christina Marie- 144 Hopewell Rd, M21 L5-5- Applicant proposes to construct a new pervious path with steps from the driveway to the boathouse, and to replace a section of existing pervious path with pervious pavers.
2) Pamela Puleo Rev Trust- 14 Litch Ln, M38 L42- Applicant proposes to renovate & expand existing 2-bedroom to become 4-bedroom; adding porches, new septic & well, and relocation of existing driveway.
3) David Lawrence- 72 Shore Rd, M18 L36-5- Applicant proposes rebuilding & relocation of existing 4’stone wall and removal for existing accessory structures including 3 stone patios, a wooden bridge & staircase, a man-made pond, and replacement of existing slate stone walkways with natural stone pathways. Conversion of these areas to lawn and areas of plant beds, with natural boulders to hold grade; addition of a rain garden; regrading and planting by design & where necessary. Central lawn area to tie all existing & proposed elements on property. Total impact of 5,737sf.
Shoreland Permit by Notification (PBN): None
Notification of Routine Roadway Maintenance Activities: None
Reoccurring/Unfinished Business & Projects:
1) Green Oak Realty-
2) Monitoring-
3) Canoe & Kayak Access to Merrymeeting River-
4) Gaia GPS Professional Account-
5) Gilman Pond Field Mowing- Rodney Sanborn (2016), Benjamin Thompson 534-4494 (2018), Andrew Morse 817-8191, Burt Morse 455-2605, Dave Avery 569-9162
6) Shape Files for Timbers, PMHS & Hussy Properties-
7) Natural Resource Inventory Update-
8) 2022 Budget-
9) NH Lakes- Michelle David, Program Manager, will be doing a presentation at the Commission’s August 12th meeting. The CD3 unit will be deployed at the Alton Town Docks from September 16th through the 30th as that was the soonest it was available this year.
New Business:
1) Hoopes Easement Property- 550 Drew Hill Rd- Drainage/Runoff Issue-
2) Jamey Balint- Mountain Bike Trail Proposal off Rte 28, M15 L49-
Notice of Intent to Cut Timber:
Commissioner Reports:
Vice Chair-
1) Budgeted Expense Sheet for Con/Com
2) Bank Statements for Con/Com
3) DES Violation Letter- Brad & Deb Bissell- 70 East Side Dr- M33 L16
4) DES Shoreland Permit- Steven Perkins- 26 Cragin Rd- M49 L25
5) DES Wetlands Permit Amendment- Couture- 78 Shore Rd- M18 L36-2
6) DES Shoreland Permit- Michael Audesse- 16 Acorn Dr- M65 L40
7) DES Shoreland Permit- Wolfe Property Holdings- 40 Tranquility Ln, M18 L39-7
Date and Time of Next Meeting:
Thursday, August 12, 2021