Town of Alton

Official Website of Alton, New Hampshire

Conservation Meeting

Thursday, February 24, 2022 - 6:00pm
Alton Town Hall
1 Monument Square
Alton, NH 03809

Alton Conservation Commission
February 24, 2022
February 24th, 2022 at 6:00 P.M.
Members and others Present:
Gene Young, Chairman Dana Rhodes, Vice Chairman Earl Bagley
Russ Wilder Tom Diveny Bob Doyle
Virgil Macdonald, Selectmen’s Rep David Mank, Alternate
Members Absent:
Call Meeting to Order:
Public Announcements:
Approval of Agenda:
1) SPNHF - Morse Preserve additions presentation by Leah Hart.
Approval of Minutes:
January 27, 2022
(Any permit or application that has been signed off by the Chair or Vice-Chair is entered here for the record, unless any Commissioner has questions or comments)
Planning Board/ZBA Department Head Review Agenda Items:
1) Puzzo Family Rev Trust Special Exception – Joseph Puzzo, Lakewood Drive, M11 L25-53 – A special Exception is required from Article 400, Section 401 D. 16. Of the Zoning Ordinance to permit the Commercial Function Facility as defined in the Zoning Ordinance.
Standard Wetlands Dredge and Fill Applications:
1) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands- Richard Vito, 250 Damon DR., M47 L2-1 – Applicant Proposes to repair an existing breakwater and assoc. dockage “in-kind” – Dredge boat slip to provide sufficient water depth. Install pilings for tie off. Install a 28ft x 30ft seasonal canopy. Install two seasonal watercraft lifts.
2) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands- William Midon, 62 Roger St., M54 L26- Applicant proposes to rebuild existing permanent docks and boathouse. Additionally, apply for the installation of a piling supported boatlift, two fender pilings and two seasonal PWC lifts. – Access stairs and lead-on to be reconfigured to have less impact on land, with no increase of impact area over water.
Alton Conservation Commission
February 24, 2022
3) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands- Higgins Family Trust, Dewitt Drive., M18 L29-5,6 &7- Applicant proposes the construction of a waterfront access structure, permanent dock, breakwater and a new dug-in boathouse. The project also includes the construction of a new residence and attached garage on tax Map 18 Lots 29-5, 29-6&29-7. The (3) lots will be merged to create a lot suitable for the construction scale. Associated Construction items include driveway and grading modifications, drainage design, and community septic connection. A proposed within the impacted tree cells. The site is located within a 250’ buffer of Lake Winnipesaukee, in which the project will also require Shoreland Permit.
4) Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands- Christopher Brown, 134 Smith Point Road, M64 L14- Applicant proposes to reconfigure an existing 861sf breakwater and 258.5sf dock. Applicant proposes to provide a 765sf rock breakwater with a 4’x32’ cantilevered pier to a 4’w x 30’ piling dock in a “U” shaped configuration accessed by a 4’ x 15’ walkway to shore (+106.5sf) to provide two more functional protected boat slips / safe docking for the and their guest. Dock qualifies for permanent dock construction pursuant to Env-wt. 513.04€ and breakwater construction pursuant to Env-Wt. 512. The breakwater is straight design with small dogleg at the lakeward most end minimizing impacts when compared to other breakwater design alternative’s (such as the existing “L” configuration). This property is shown on appendix D and the frontage experiences significant wave energy and wrap around effects from the prevailing winds, demonstrating need. Proposal removes 96 sf of breakwater material, 16 sf crib material and provides a 12’ gap at shore.
Wetland Permit by Notification (PBN):
1) Wetlands PBN- Cynthia Vito, Damon DR., M47 L2- Applicant proposes to repair an existing 45 liner foot, plus 800sqft breakwater and “W” shape piling supported 602sqft dockage “in-kind”. No change in size, location or configuration is proposed. Turbidity controls shall be installed and maintained throughout project until disturbed area is stable.
- Signed by Gene Young
Minimum Impact Expedited Applications: None
Shoreland Permit Applications:
1) Shoreland Permit Application – Lloyd Brown – 442 Rattlesnake Island, M78 L21- Applicant is proposing to replace the existing 28’ x 24’cottage with a 32’ x 34’ structure. To maintain the open deck, and to add a 12’ x 16’ shed. Pre-construction impervious are totals 1650 sq. ft. (6.2%) and post construction impervious area of 2,440 sq. ft. (9.2%)
2) Shoreland Permit Application- Higgins Family Property Trust- Dewitt DR., M18 L29-5, 6&7- Applicant is proposing construction of a new residence and attached garage on Tax Map 18 Lots 29-5, 6&7. The 3 lots will be merged to create a lot suitable for the construction scale. Associated construction items include driveway and grading modifications, drainage design and community septic connection. A landscaping plan will be incorporated to include landscaping walk ways, patios and waterfront buffer restoration to impacted tree cells. The project also includes the construction of a water access structure, permanent dock, breakwater and a new “dug-in” boathouse to be permitted separately through a wetlands impact permit.
Alton Conservation Commission
February 24, 2022
3) Shoreland Permit Application – William Midon – 62 Roger Street, M54 L26 – Applicant is proposing to remove existing residence (1,146ft) with shed roof (873ft), two outbuildings (64ft and 270ft) and impervious patio (635ft). Construct new residence (2,620ft), screen porch (300ft), patio (588ft), attached three car garage (1,114ft) and a single wide detached carriage house (900ft). Additionally, boathouse lead-on and access stairs to be reconfigured during reconstruction for an additional 113ft of impervious surface over land. Total proposed impervious surface equals 6,031ft.
4) Shoreland Permit Application – Gail Naylor – Archie Lane, M40 L37 – Applicant is proposing the construction of a 2-bedroom dwelling to be serviced by an on-site well and septic system. Disturbance in the private road is included in section 10 of the application, due to the unique nature of this proposal.
5) Shoreland Permit Application – Todd Norman – 17 Watson Point Road, M50 L35- Applicant is proposing to remove a single-family 4-bedroom house and construct a new single-family, 6-bedroom house while adhering to all existing setbacks.
Shoreland Permit by Notification (PBN):
Notification of Routine Roadway Maintenance Activities: None
Reoccurring/Unfinished Business & Projects:
1) Green Oak Realty-
2) Monitoring-
3) Canoe & Kayak Access to Merrymeeting River-
4) Lake Lay Monitoring Program-
5) Natural Resource Inventory Update- Lakes Region Planning invoice
New Business:
1) Longstack Precipice: Alton Conservation Commission expresses support for funding the acquisition of the subject property in Alton, NH containing the Longstack Precipice climbing area for the conservation and public recreational access.
2) SPNHF- Morse Preserve Addition
Notice of Intent to Cut Timber:
Alton Conservation Commission
February 24, 2022
Commissioner Reports:
Chairman Reportman Report--
1) Gaia Invoice:Gaia Invoice:
Vice C
Vice Chairhair ReportReport--
Member Reports
Member Reports--
1) Budgeted Expense Sheet/Bank Statements
2) NHDES Forestry Statutory PBN: Hillsgrove M2 L13-2
3) NHDES RFMI Shoreland (Revised)-: 118 Sleepers Island Kean M73 L3
4) NHDES RFMI Shoreland: 102 Pipers Point Ln. M21A L19
5) NHDES RFMI Standard Dredge Fill Wetlands: Little Barndoor Island, Marvin. M81 L17-4
6) NHDES Amended Wetlands & Non-site specific: 193 Sunset Shore Dr. M71 L1
7) NHDES Forestry Statutory PBN: Loring Carr M2 L3
8) NHDES RFMI Shoreland: 442 Rattlesnake Island, Brown M78 L21
9) NHDES Shoreland Impact Permit : 8 Lovern Ln. Finigan / Pueschel M51 L32
10) NHDES RFMI Shoreland: 1787 Mount Major Highway. O’Leary, M66 L7
11) NHSDES Shoreland Impact Permit : 277 Trask Side Rd. Custos Trust, M43 L10
12) NHDES Shoreland Impact Permit : 51 Keewaydin Dr. Michaud Family Trust, M38 L23
13) NHDES RFMI Shoreland: 282 Sleepers Island. Kehoe, M73 L55
14) NHDES Wetlands & Non-Site Specific : 554 Rattlesnake Island, Martino M79 L24
Date and Time of Next Meeting:
 Thursday, February 24, 2022, at 6:00pm

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