June 8th, 2023 6 P.M.
Gene Young, Chairman Dana Rhodes, Vice Chairman Earl Bagley
Russ Wilder Tom Diveny David Mank
Brock Mitchell, Selectman’s Rep
Others Present:
Members Absent:
Call Meeting to Order:
Public Announcements:
Approval of Agenda:
• Bree Rossiter, Conservation Program manager for the Lake Winnipesaukee Association
Approval of Minutes:
• 4/27/23 Meeting Minutes
• 5/11/23 Meeting Minutes
(Any permit or application that has been signed off by the Chair or Vice-Chair is
entered here for the record, unless any Commissioner has questions or comments)
Planning Board/ZBA Department Head Review Agenda Items:
1) Case #Z23-08, Russell J Wilder & Elizabeth Wilder Woodlands Realty Trust, Russell Wilder, Trustee & Owner, 321 Woodlands Road - A Variance is requested from Article 400, Section 412.A. & F of the Zoning Ordinance to permit to subdivide 200’x130’ (26,000 SF) of non-buildable area.
-Since Mr. Wilder is a member of the Conservation Commission, it is inappropriate for the Commission to comment on this application.
- Signed by Gene Young 5/18/23
2) Case #Z23-10, Varney Engineering, Tom Varney, Agent for John & Susan Volpe, Owner, Map 34 Lot 33-20, 1 Manchester Avenue - A Special Exception is requested from Article 300, Section 320.H & J to permit to remove structure and replace with new structure
- Signed by Gene Young 5/18/23
3) Case #Z23-11, Lawrence Carr, Owner, Map 23 Lot 10, 65 Rustic Shores Road- A Variance is requested from Article 300, Section 327.A.3 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit removal of two sheds and replacing with a 14’x30’ shed on cement slab 6 feet into the side setback.
- Signed by Gene Young 5/18/23
Wetland Permit by Notification (PBN):
1) Wetlands PBN – Rousseau, Lynn-Ann, Beaver Dam Road, M10 L32-18 – Applicant is seeking a permit approval for a 6’ wide by 30’ seasonal dock. Shoreline frontage of lot is 152.5 linear feet. Hills pond is 93 acres in size.
- Applicant / Agent did not want a signature from the Conservation Commission.
2) Wetlands PBN -
Minimum Impact Expedited Applications:
Standard Wetlands Dredge and Fill Applications:
Shoreland Permit by Notification (SPBN):
Shoreland Permit Applications:
1) Shoreland Permit Application – Matthew & Valerie Whalen- 27 Georges Road, M39 L7 – The plan is to install a new state approved septic system and new retaining wall. Storm water measures will also be installed.
Notification of Routine Roadway Maintenance Activities:
Reoccurring/Unfinished Business & Projects:
1) Lake Lay Monitoring Program
2) Property Monitoring and Reports
3) Green Oak Realty
4) Natural Resources Inventory Update
5) Gilman pond Management Plan
6) Budget
7) Conserved property signs
- NH DOC Sign Invoice
8) Future conservation opportunities
New Business:
Commissioner Reports:
Chairman Report-
Vice Chair Report-
Member Reports-
Notice of Intent to Cut Timber:
• NHDES RFMI- Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands Application, NH RTE 11, M35 L R.O.W
• NHDES RFMI – Shoreland Permit Application – 57 Indian Shore Road, M61 L15
• NHDES RFMI – Shoreland Permit Application – 215 Route 11D, M52 L13
• NHDES Complete Seasonal Dock Notification – 134 Alton Shores Rd, M72 L102
• NHDES CORRECTED RFMI – Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands Permit Application – 142 Sleeper Island, M74 L23
• NHDES RFMI – Standard Dredge and Fill Wetlands Permit Application – 39 Four Seasons Drive, M21 L29-3
• NHDES Letter of Compliance – 179 Sunset Shore Drive, M70 L30
Date and time of next meeting:
June 22nd, 2023 6 P.M.