Town of Alton

Official Website of Alton, New Hampshire

Conservation Mtg.

Thursday, September 26, 2024 - 6:00pm
1 Monument Square
Alton, NH 03809

September 26th , 2024 6 PM

Gene Young, Chairman Dana Rhodes, Vice Chairman Earl Bagley
Russ Wilder Tom Diveny David Mank
Tara Lamper, Alternate Andrew Morse, Selectman’s Rep
Others Present:
Members Absent:
Call Meeting to Order:
Approval of Agenda:
Approval of Minutes:
• 09/12/2024 meeting minutes
(Any permit or application that has been signed off by the Chair or Vice-Chair is
entered here for the record, unless any Commissioner has questions or comments)
Planning Board/ZBA Department Head Review Agenda Items:
Wetland Permit by Notification (PBN):
1) Wetlands PBN – William Watson, 80 East Side Drive M33 L15 – Replace ice clusters destroyed. 1 cluster destroyed in the mid 70’s but usable until 2020. 1 usable until winter 2022. - No signature needed

Expedited Minimum Impact Wetlands Application:
1) Expedited Min. Impact Wetlands – Pearson Family Realty Trust, 384 Rattlesnake Island M78 L33 – Proposed anchoring pad will be located on shore, above and behind full lake 504.32’ approximately 55 sq ft temporary impact is anticipated. Proposed seasonal dock and canopy will occupy 660 sq ft over public submerged land.
- Signed by Gene Young 9/17/24

Standard Wetlands Dredge and Fill Applications:
Standard Wetlands Application – NH Dept. of Transportation, NH route 11, Approx 700’ northwest of Lakewood Drive - The project was initiated to address a July 2023 structural failure of a culvert carrying an un-named perennial stream under NH Route 11 at approximately 700' northwest of Lakewood Drive. The project purpose is to restore the long-term functionality of the crossing in a timely and cost-effective manner, while meeting current hydraulic capacity standards and minimizing impacts to the maximum extent prac-ticable. The project proposes to replace the existing 4' wide x 6' high x 84' long stone/concrete culvert. The proposed replacement is a 4' wide x 7' high x 84' long precast concrete box culvert, embedded 12" with grade controls (4' x 6' clear open area}. The pro-posed culvert will be in the same location and the streambed will be at similar elevations as existing. The proposed culvert will have precast concrete headwalls and wingwalls similar to the existing culvert. Incidental work includes matching the existing stream channel to the new culvert, placement of stone armor around the wingwalls, replacement of guardrail in approximately the same location, replacement of disturbed roadway pavement in-kind, and removal of sediment deposited in the downstream channel. Small permanent impacts to the un-named stream channel and its banks are required to match the new culvert and wingwalls to the existing stream channel. A small permanent impact to a forested wetland adjacent the culvert inlet is required to reconstruct the steep roadway embankment. All other impacts are temporary, as needed
for excavation to replace the culvert, construction of a temporary stream diversion, erosion controls, and removal of sediment deposited in the downstream channel by the July 2023 culvert failure event.

Shoreland Permit Applications:
1) Shoreland Permit Application – Michael & Harper Smith and Robert & Tatum Brooks, 16 Temple Drive M53 L4 – Propose a 3’x24’ covered entry porch on rear of an existing home along with a 1’x12’ bump out on an existing wall. In addition, temporarily disturb 3,000 sf to renovate an existing home maintaining the existing footprint throughout. Total impacts within 250’ shoreland zone to equal 3,122.8 sq ft.

Shoreland Permit By Notification (PBN):
1) Shoreland PBN – Kelleher, Michael & Janet, 172 East Side Dr, M35 L30 – Plan is to build a retaining wall to increase the width of a parking area along Route 28A.

Reoccurring/Unfinished Business & Projects:
1) Lake Lay Monitoring Program
2) Property Monitoring and Reports
3) Gilman pond Management Plan
- Dead Ash Trees
4) Budget – August 2024 Bank Statement
5) Future conservation opportunities
- Dejager Notes
6) C.C Master Plan Action Items
7) Meinelt 375- acre parcel purchase
8) Moonberry Farm CE -- discussion of acquisition expenses
New Business:
Commissioner Reports:
Chairman Report
Vice Chair Report-
Member Reports-
Notice of Intent to Cut Timber:
• 550 Muchado Hill Rd M1 L22

• NHDES RFMI – 16 Melody Ln, M59 L12
• NHDES RFMI – 12 Point Beach Lane, M21A L28
• Letter of Support
• NH Lakes Partnership
Date and time of next meeting:
• October 10th, 2024 6PM

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