Town of Alton

Official Website of Alton, New Hampshire

Conservation Commission Agenda

Thursday, October 22, 2020 - 6:00pm

October 22, 2020
6:00 P.M.
Call Meeting to Order: Members G. Young, R. Wilder, Q. Golden, E. Bagley, B. Doyle, V. McDonald
UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: To keep our members and staff safe, and to comply with RSA 91-A, the COVID-
19 State of Emergency, and the Governor's Orders on restrictions at public gatherings, the Town of Alton is
holding “remote audio participation meetings”. If you cannot attend remotely, please contact the Planning
Department at 603-875-2162 or for further instructions. To remotely attend the meeting
visit our website: for telephone access and Zoom access instructions listed under News and
Announcements on the home page the day of the meeting. If you are having difficulties accessing the remote
meeting, please call 603-507-1002 and someone will assist you.
The Commission voted on October 8, 2020 to temporarily suspend public input due to the SARS-coV-2
pandemic If the public has comments, the comments can be emailed to the Conservation Commission at or sent via US postal mail to Town of Alton Conservation Commission, PO Box
659, Alton NH 03809, and the comments will be read into the record. The Commission will respond to
comments as is appropriate.
Approval of Agenda:
Approval of Minutes:
1. August 27, 2020
2. October 8, 2020
1. Interview with prospective new member Dana Rhodes
Planning Board/ZBA Agenda Items:
Standard Dredge and Fill Application:
Wetlands Permit by Notification:
1. Henry s. Flickenger, Jr, Rattlesnake Island, Map 77, lot 1 Replace rotted pilings damaged by ice, replace
8 loose and rotted tie off posts – signed Oct. 15, 2020 by G. Young
2. Janet and John Dunbar, 48 Treasure Island, Map 74, lot 16. Repair or replace existing 24' X 26' 4”
boathouse and attached 7' 10” X 26” 4” dock – signed Oct. 15, 2020 by G. Young
3. Erik Klefos, 176 Black Point Rd, Map 44, lots 33 & 34. Rebuild in kind 30' X 5' dock and crib – signed
Oct. 15, 2020 by G. Young
Minimum Impact Expedited:
Shoreland Permit Application:
1. Discussion: Responsibility to review and comment on Shoreland permits by CC
2. Donald LaCroix Rev. Trust, 53 Riverlake St., Map 32, lot 26 – Build a porous patio, walkway, repair
stairs, add deck on the waterfront side of the house, pavement removed and replaced with porous pavers,
install dripedge. Amendment included.
3. Mark Blanchard, 104 Railroad Ave, Map 65, lot 42 & 82 – demolish existing cottage, construct larger
house, septic system, stormwater controls
4. Christine & Eric Johnson, Roger ST., Map 55, lot 13 – construct house on vacant lot, two garages,
driveway, septic system, stormwater control
5. Raymond & Eva Dezenzo, 228 Barndoor Island, map 80, lot 9 – new septic system, shed, grading and
erosion control
6. Kyle Pine, 13 Lamprey Ledge Rd, map 61, lot 12 – replace failing stone wall, remove concrete walk and
stairs, install walkway, pervious patio, parking area, excavate trench for future septic line.
7. Merrymeeting River Realty Trust, 80 Heron Pt. Rd., unit 447, Map 9, lot 14 – New construction to
replace previously removed building, driveway, septic system
8. Cristen & Judith Copley, 20 NH Rt. 11D, map 50, lot 10 – relocate driveway, construct garage and
patio, with drip edges, relocate utility pole.
Shoreland Permit by Notification (PBN):
Notification of Routine Roadway and Railway Maintenance Activities:
Old Business:
1. Green Oak Realty
2. Monitoring
a. Frohock Brook report -- Q. Golden
3. Gilman Pond field mowing -- Rodney Sanborn (2016), Benjamin Thompson (2018)
Commissioner Reports:
Other Business:
1. Belknap Range Conservation Coalition dues -- $40.00 per year
2. NH Assn of Conservation Commissions dues – $450.00 for fiscal year 2020
3. Budget expenditures, savings account statements
Notice of Intent to Cut:
1. Michael Mahoney, Map 33, lots 58, 59,62,63,64
1. Wetlands and Non-Site Specific Permits issued:
a. Town of Alton highway Dept., Depot St.
b. Town of Alton, 58 Mt. Major highway, Map 34, lot 36
c. John Vallerand, 96 Hopewell Pt. Rd, Map 21, lot 5
d. Ellen Powers, 25 Indian Shore Rd, Map 62, lot 10
e. Letter from Attorney Reimers to Sullivan
2. Bill from BCM Environmental Law

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