Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
Completeness Review of Application and Public Hearing if Application is Accepted as Complete
1. P17-01 Map 8 Lot 45 Final Major Site Plan, Phase II
Steven J. Smith & Assoc., Inc./William Stack, P.E., Agent for Residential/Commercial (RC) Zone
Right Field Develop., LLC c/o Richard D’Angelo 166 Wolfeboro Hgwy./Rte. 28
Proposal: to occupy two (2) of the remaining retail spaces within the building footprint and two (2) additional future retail spaces have been finished and are ready to occupy. Proposed occupant for unit #2 is a Dog Groomer/Dog Training type use and the occupant for unit #3 is a Hair Salon type use. Units #1 and #4 are for future use and unit #5 is to be owner use space.
2. P17-02 Map 19 Lots 18 & 18-1 Final Minor Subdivision
Land Tech. Svc. Corp.,/Bryan D. Berlind, LLS, Agent for Rural (RU) Zone
John W. Jeddrey, Jr. 476 Roberts Cove Rd./Rte. 28
Proposal: to subdivide the lot into two (2) lots leaving the existing residence with frontage on Roberts Cove Road +23 acres, and separating the existing excavation business with frontage on Route 28 +52.3 acres.
Other Business:
1. Old Business:
a. Discussion re: the Town of Alton Subdivision Regulations
2. New Business:
3. Approval of Minutes: January 17, 2017, Planning Board Meeting
4. Correspondence for the Board's action/review/discussion:
5. Correspondence for the Board's information:
a. At last week’s meeting, the Board asked Nic Strong to research when the Zoning Ordinance to allow a second dwelling on a lot was changed to allow only one dwelling. See copy of the Planning Board’s Minutes from November 26, 2001, and the March 12, 2002, ballot.
b. Notice of Violation regarding Zoning Ordinance Article 400, Section 402, Table of Uses, Open Space Uses #1, Agriculture; specifically the keeping of chickens in the Lakeshore Residential Zone.
c. Memo dated 2/2/2017 from Nic Strong regarding the LRPC TAC Committee Meeting.
d. Handout - Center and Edge Line Pavement Markings from the Technology Transfer Center at the University of New Hampshire.
e. Handout - 2017-2026 Ten Year Plan for Alton/Gilford – Planning study to identify priority needs from east of Minge Cove Road to east of Ellacoya Park; and Alton – Bridge rehabilitation for redlist bridge carrying NH 11 over Merrymeeting River (BR No 163/184) from the NH Department of Transportation.
f. Handout - Lakes Region Transportation Improvement Program: Recommendations for the State of New Hampshire Ten Year Transportation Plan, dated April 24, 2015, from the Lakes Region Planning Commission.
g. Road Safety Audit Application and Summary from the NH Department of Transportation.
h. Handout – Initial Proposal Regarding Use of Potential Funding from the Volkswagen 2.0 Liter Partial Consent Decree – Request for Public Comment from the NH Department of Environmental Services.
i. Announcement for the 23rd Annual Spring Planning and Zoning Conference on April 29, 2017, hosted by the NH Office of Energy and Planning.
6. Any Other Business that may come before the Board:
Public Input on Non-Case Specific Local Planning Issues
David Collier, Planning Board Chair
NS/jac 2/10/2017