Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
Continued from June 20, 2017
Case # P17-12, Karen Anne Kimball
Map 12 Lot 63, Minor Site Plan
Rural (RU) Zone, 128 Powder Mill Road
Proposal: To use the apartment over the garage as a home office for therapy practice. Clients will be coming to this office, one session at a time.
Voluntary Lot Merger
Case # P17-15, Donald R. & Darlene E. Demers
Map 65 Lot 49, Lot 52, and a portion of Alpine Way, Voluntary Lot Merger
Lakeshore/Residential (L/R), 36 Elm Street
Proposal: To merge together Map 65, Lots 49, 52, and a portion of Alpine Way.
Other Business:
1. Old Business:
a. Motions from the June 20, 2017, Planning Board meeting requiring final action:
i. Case # P17-12, Karen Anne Kimball, needs a second and a vote.
ii. Case # P17-13, Holmes Realty Trust/Holmes Land Trust, needs a vote on granting the waivers.
iii. Letter sent to the American Legion needs a vote to have Roger Sample sign the letter, and since the letter was mailed, have the Board ratify that action in their vote.
b. Discussion on Case # P17-13, regarding grandfathered setbacks that have non-conforming structures.
c. Discussion regarding Town Engineer RFP process.
d. Discussion regarding rights-of-ways/easements as part of the Subdivision and Site Plan Review Applications.
e. Memo dated July 14, 2017, from Nic Strong addressed to the Planning Board regarding Old Business items.
2. New Business:
3. Approval of Minutes: June 20, 2017, Planning Board Meeting
4. Correspondence for the Board's review/discussion/action:
a. Letter dated July 12, 2017, from Eugene F. Sullivan, III, Esq., on behalf of the American Legion, addressed to the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board regarding the right-of-way between the American Legion and Right Field Development, LLC.
5. Correspondence for the Board's information:
6. Any Other Business that may come before the Board:
Public Input on Non-Case Specific Local Planning Issues
Peter Bolster, Planning Board Chairman
Amended: 7/14/2017