Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
Continued from March 20, 2018
Case # P18-04
JOBEAN, LLC/Dean Puzzo, Manager
Map 26 Lot 10, Minor Site Plan Review
Residential Commercial (RC), 19 Homestead Place, Suite 5
Proposal: To replace the existing #32 Homestead Place retail/office building with a new 3,600 s.f. single story retail/office building.
Completeness Review of Application and Public Hearing if Application is Accepted as Complete
Case #P18-11
Thomas W. Varney, P.E., Agent for Keith & Melissa Watson, Owners
Map 2 Lot 29-6, Final Major Site Plan
Rural (RU), 128 Hamwoods Road
Proposal: to consider a change of use for a Group Child Care Center. The current house will be converted from living space to a daycare facility.
Conceptual Consultation
Case #P18-12
Mark Poirier/Grey Light Realty, LLC, Owner
Map 63 Lot 13, Conceptual Consultation
Lakeshore Residential (LR), 1602 Mount Major Hgwy.
Proposal: to construct a 40’ x 40’ deck to accommodate tables, a bar, and a small stage for live acoustic music.
Design Review
Case #P18-13
James Callahan, Esq., Agent for Continuum Health Services, Inc., Applicant
Map 21 Lots 5-3, 5-4, and 5-5, Design Review/Major Subdivision
Lakeshore Residential (LR), 142 & 144 Hopewell Road
*** Withdrawn by applicant ***
Proposal: to condominium the existing structures onsite and utilize existing onsite utilities.
Other Business:
1. Old Business:
2. New Business:
3. Approval of Minutes: April 17, 2018, Planning Board Meeting
4. Correspondence for the Board's review/discussion/action:
a. Received an application dated May 8, 2018, from David R. Hussey, who is interested in sitting on the Planning Board as an Alternate. The Board is to act upon this.
5. Correspondence for the Board's information:
a. Letter dated April 23, 2018, from Kevin Leonard, P.E., Northpoint Engineering, Inc.; letter dated April 23, 2018, from William S. Stack, P.E., Steven J. Smith & Associates, Inc.; and letter dated May 4, 2018, from Kevin M. Leonard, P.E., Northpoint Engineering, LLC, re: Alton Self Storage.
6. Any Other Business that may come before the Board:
Public Input on Non-Case Specific Local Planning Issues
Roger Sample, Planning Board Chairman
Revised 5/11/2018