Tuesday, August 21, 2018, 6:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
1. Continued from May 20, 2018
Case # P18-04
JOBEAN, LLC/Dean Puzzo, Manager
Map 26 Lot 10, Minor Site Plan Review
Residential Commercial (RC), 19 Homestead Place, Suite 5
Proposal: To replace the existing #32 Homestead Place retail/office building with a new 3,600 s.f. single story retail/office building.
2. Public Hearing for Final Planning Board Approval of Hilltop Estates - Road Construction and to Confirm Compliance with the approved subdivision plan
Case # P09-19 & P10-28
D&Z Realty Trust, Richard E. & Gail A. MacDonald and Paul E. Beckett, Trustees, Owners
Map 12 Lot 17, Final Approval of Road Construction
Rural (RU), Hilltop Estates
3. Conceptual Consultation
Case # P18-19
Brian Fortier of West Alton Marina, LLC, Owner
Map 17 Lots 9, 11, 27, 29, 30 and Map 61 Lot 1, Conceptual Consultation
Recreation Service (R/S) and Lakeshore Residential (L/R), Mount Major Highway and Mauhaut Shores Road
Proposal: To meet with the Board in preparation for submission of design review and major site plan applications for a proposed redevelopment of the marina and to review the basic concepts of the project including previous variances, and to review the proposal with regard to the master plan and zoning ordinance, and to discuss with the Board the status of state permitting.
4. Completeness Review of Application and Public Hearing if Application is Accepted as Complete
Case # P18-17
Randolph R. Tetreault, LLS, of Norway Plains Assoc., Inc., Agent for Andrew & Susan Morse, Owners
Map 6 Lot 42, Final Minor Subdivision
Rural (R), Stockbridge Corner Road
Proposal: To create one new building lot by dividing Lot 42 as follows: Lot 1=11.89 acres, Lot 2-11.90 acres.
Case # P18-18
Brendan Twomey, Agent for the American Legion Post 72, Owner
Map 8 Lot 46, Final Minor Site Plan
Residential-Commercial (R/C), Wolfeboro Highway (Route 28)
Proposal: To add additional overflow parking in the area of the riprap apron, which is now considered an upland area by the NHDES.
Other Business:
1. Old Business:
a. Memo dated July 3, 2018, from Nic Strong, re: ZAC Membership for 2018/2019.
Tom Hoopes was nominated at the last meeting, but he was absent. A confirmation from him is needed as to whether he can sit on the Committee.
b. Letter dated June 18, 2018, from DOT, re: road safety audits on NH Routes 11 and 28.
2. New Business:
a. Discussion re: Scott and Penny Williams, Excavation Application
3. Approval of Minutes: July 17, 2018, Planning Board Meeting
4. Correspondence for the Board's review/discussion/action:
a. Continued from July 17, 2018. Letter dated June 28, 2018, from John W. Jeddrey, re: paving of Ridgewood Subdivision.
5. Correspondence for the Board's information:
a. Letter dated August 8, 2018, from Nic Strong to Karen Kimball re: invalidated site plan.
b. Construction Monitoring Escrow Estimate dated August 6, 2018, from Kevin Leonard, P.E., of Northpoint Engineering, LLC re: Alton Bay Self-Storage.
c. Pre-Construction Meeting Minutes dated August 9, 2018, re: Kevin Leonard, P.E., of Northpoint Engineering, LLC, and Alton Bay Self-Storage.
6. Any Other Business that may come before the Board:
Public Input on Non-Case Specific Local Planning Issues
Roger Sample, Planning Board Chairman
Revised 8/17/2018 & 8/21/2018