Tuesday, August 16, 2016
at 6:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Approval of Agenda
Completeness Review of Application and Public Hearing if Application is Accepted as Complete
1. P16-23 Map 15 Lot 35 Minor Site Plan
Amy Vachon 30 Gilmans Corner Road
Amy Vachon, owner, has submitted a Minor Site Plan application for a proposed home business located at 30 Gilmans Corner Road. The proposed business is for a one-chair beauty salon, to be located entirely with the existing structure. The business will be conducted by appointment only, during normal business hours. This property is located in the Rural Residential (RR) Zone.
2. P16-24 Map 16 Lot 3 & Map 16 Lot 1 Lot Line Adjustment
Gregoire Family Trust & Society for the Protection of Reed Road
NH Forests
Bryan L. Bailey, LLS, agent, for the Gregoire Family Trust and The Society for the Protection of NH Forests, are proposing a Lot Line Adjustment between their two (2) separate parcels of land. The Society for the Protection of NH Forests owns 468.80 acres, Tax Map 16 Lot 1, and the Gregoire Family Trust owns 51.1 acres, Tax Map 16 Lot 3, to the north. The Forest Society and the Gregoire Family Trust are proposing to adjust their common boundary whereby the Forest Society will acquire an additional 38 +/- acres from the Gregoire Family Trust.
This property is located in the Rural (RU) Zone.
3. P16-25 Map 16 Lot 3 Final Major Site Plan
Gregoire Family Trust & Society for the Protection of Reed Road
NH Forests
Bryan L. Bailey, LLS, agent, for the Gregoire Family Trust and The Society for the Protection of NH Forests, is proposing to construct a 20 car gravel parking lot to accommodate hikers, hunters and other outdoor recreationalists wishing to use the Quarry Mtn. Forest.
This property is located in the Rural (RU) Zone.
4. P16-26 Map 15 Lot 9 Major Subdivision Final Application
Sandra Hammond Old Wolfeboro Rd/Miramichie Hill Road
On behalf of the applicant, Kerry M. Fox, LLS, Fox Survey Company is proposing a 4 lot subdivision. The proposed lots will range from two acres up to five acres in size. Access to three of the lots is being proposed off Old Wolfeboro Road leaving only one lot to access from Miramichie Hill Road. This property is located in the Residential Rural (RR) Zone.
Other Business:
1. Old Business:
a. Discussion on the Town of Alton Excavation Regulations, Working Draft 6.17.16, distributed at the June 21, 2016, Planning Board Meeting.
b. Discussion on the Town of Alton Subdivision Regulations, Working Draft 4.19.16, distributed at the April 19, 2016, Planning Board Meeting.
2. New Business:
a. Discussion re: Chestnut Cove Subdivision, Map 15, Lot 15, lack of security and building permits.
3. Approval of Minutes: July 19, 2016, Planning Board Meeting.
4. Correspondence for the Board's action/review/discussion:
a. Email from Traci Cameron, Secretary, to Bradley Smith, Alton Bay Christian Conference Center, re: Notice of Decision September 15, 2015, Alton Bay Christian Conference Center, Time Extension request and Letter sent via email.
5. Correspondence for the Board's information:
a. Email from James Sessler, Attorney to Nic Strong, Planner, re: Chestnut Cove Subdivision
b. Memo from Nic Strong, Planner to John Dever, III, Code Enforcement, re: Alton Bay Christian Conference Center, Maserian Cottage.
6. Any Other Business that may come before the Board:
Public Input on Non-Case Specific Local Planning Issues
David Collier, Planning Board Chair