Town of Alton

Official Website of Alton, New Hampshire

Planning Board Meeting

Tuesday, September 20, 2016 - 6:00pm

Tuesday, September 20, 2016
at 6:00 p.m.

Call to Order

Approval of Agenda

Conceptual Consultation

1. P16-28 Map 26 Lot 10 & 10-2 Conceptual Consultation
JOBEAN, LLC Homestead Place
Dean and Teresa Puzzo, Managers for JOBEAN, LLC, would like to discuss with the Board a desire to expand existing #32 Homestead Place Building by a size that generally would require a major site plan review, but given the nature of the development that has been done and the specific status of the site (no change in use, septic capacity, drainage, parking, or traffic flow/pattern), the applicants wish to have their application be considered a minor site plan review rather than a major site plan review. This property is located in the Residential Commercial (RC) Zone.
Continuation of Public Hearings
1. P16-25 Map 16 Lot 3 Final Major Site Plan
Gregoire Family Trust & Society for the Protection of Reed Road
NH Forests
Bryan L. Bailey, LLS, agent, for the Gregoire Family Trust and The Society for the Protection of NH Forests, is proposing to construct a 20 car gravel parking lot to accommodate hikers, hunters and other outdoor recreationalists wishing to use the Quarry Mtn. Forest.
This property is located in the Rural (RU) Zone.
Continued from August 16, 2016.
Completeness Review of Application and Public Hearing if Application is Accepted as Complete
1. P16-27 Map 21 Lot 5, Map 21 Lot 6 & Map 21 Lot 6-1 Lot Line Adjustment
Randall & Sarah Cail Hopewell Rd & Brickyard Cove Road
Bryan L. Bailey, LLS, agent, for Randall & Sarah Cail, is proposing a Lot Line Adjustment between their three (3) individual parcels of land. The proposal includes increasing Map 21 Lot 5, by adding 2.45 acres from Map 21 Lot 6, for a final area of 4.76 acres. The proposal also includes increasing Map 21 Lot 6-1, by adding .05 acres from Map 21 Lot 5, for a final area of 1.13 acres. The proposal includes decreasing Map 21 Lot 6, by 2.5 acres (2.45 acres being added to Map 21 Lot 5 and .05 acres being added to Map 21 Lot 6-1) leaving a final area of 2.38
acres. These properties are located in the Lakeshore Residential (LR) Zone.
2. P16-29 Map 5 Lot 74-4 Minor Site Plan
Apostolos Papaioannou 532 Suncook Valley Road
Thomas W. Varney, PE, agent for Apostolos Papaioannou, has submitted a Minor Site Plan application for a proposed Automotive and Truck Used Motor Vehicle Dealer as a home business located at 532 Suncook Valley Road. This property is located in the Rural (RU) Zone.
3. P16-30 Map 18 Lot 4 Final Major Site Plan Application
Newton Porter Foundation 43 Kabeyun Road
Thomas W. Varney, PE, agent, for the Newton Porter Foundation, is proposing to construct a 1,534 sf addition to the existing 1,231 sf infirmary building for a total size of 2,765 sf, to provide new nurses’ quarters at Camp Kabeyun, a summer boys’ camp which accommodates 120 campers and 50 staff members.
This property is located in the Lakeshore Residential (LR) Zone.
Revocation of Subdivision Plan
1. P06-102 & P14-02 Map 9 Lots 53-2 through 20 Revocation of Subdivision Plan
Joseph H. Spain, JH Spain Commercial Services, LLC New Durham Road
Pursuant to RSA 676:4-a, Revocation of Recorded Approval, the applicant has failed to fulfill the conditions of the March 18, 2014, approval within the time period specified by the Board, including multiple extension dates. The applicant has stated in his letter of August 3, 2016, that he has decided not to pursue this project any further. This property is located in the Residential Rural (RR) Zone.
Other Business:
1. Old Business:
a. Discussion on the Town of Alton Excavation Regulations, Working Draft 6.17.16, distribution of revisions made at the August 16, 2016, Planning Board Meeting.
b. Discussion on the Town of Alton Subdivision Regulations, Working Draft 4.19.16, distributed at the April 19, 2016, Planning Board Meeting.
2. New Business: Letter of resignation from Traci Cameron, Planning Board Secretary.
3. Approval of Minutes: August 16, 2016, Planning Board Meeting.
4. Correspondence for the Board's action/review/discussion:
5. Correspondence for the Board's information:
a. Letters to the owners of property in the Chestnut Cove Subdivision/Map 15 Lot 15/Ridge and Evans Hill Road, re: hold on the issuance of further building permits in the Chestnut Cove Subdivision due to lack of security pursuant to RSA 674:36, III and 676:12, V and the Town of Alton Subdivision Regulations Section III, J. and receipt of recording at the Belknap County Registry of Deeds.
b. Letter from US Department of Homeland Security-FEMA, re: Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning (Risk Map) Discovery Meeting for Winnipesaukee Watershed in east-central New Hampshire. A single Discovery Meeting is scheduled for the Winnipesaukee Watershed on Tuesday, September 27, 2016, at 10:30 am, Gilford Town Hall, 47 Cherry Valley Road, Gilford, NH
c. Letter from Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc., inviting Planning Board members to attend “Find Balance at your Senior Center”, for National Senior Center Week on September 22, 2016, at the Alton Senior Center, 7 Pearson Road, Alton, NH, from 10 am to 2:30 pm.
d. Flyer from Belknap County Conservation District, inviting Planning Board members to attend Public Information Meetings on Protecting Our Ground Water and Aquifers, September 28, 2016 at 6:30 pm at the Pines Community Center, 61 Summer Street, Northfield, NH and October 5, 2016 at 6:30 pm at the Gilman Library, 100 Main Street, Alton, NH.
6. Any Other Business that may come before the Board:

Public Input on Non-Case Specific Local Planning Issues


David Collier, Planning Board Chair


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