Tuesday, December 15, 2020, at 6:00 p.m.
UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: To keep our members and staff safe, and to comply with RSA 91-A, the COVID-19 State of Emergency, and the Governor’s Orders on restrictions at public gatherings, the Town of Alton has moved from "in-person" meetings to "remote audio participation meetings”. To remotely attend the meeting (audio only) visit our website: for telephone access and remote access instructions listed under News and Announcements on the home page (you can access an audio/video livestream listed under RESOURCES), or telephone the Planning Department at (603) 875-2162 between 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM for more information, and for the Dial-in Code and Meeting ID for each Planning Board meeting.
Call to Order
Assignment of Alternate
*Reminder: Any Other Business to Come Before the Board and Public Input on Non-case Specific Planning Issues have been put on hold until further notice as voted on at the May 12, 2020, meeting. If the public does have any input on those two items, they should contact the office to be scheduled at a future meeting.
Approval of Agenda
1. Public Hearing on Zoning Amendments 2020-2021
2. Completeness Review of Application and Public Hearing if Application is Accepted as Complete
Case #P20-20
Peter W. Howard, P.E., of Steven J. Smith & Assoc., Inc., Agent for Christian Camps & Conferences, Inc., c/o Rob Strodel, Owner
Map 18 Lot 15, 34 Camp Brookwoods Road
Final Major Site Plan
Lakeshore Residential (LR) Zone
Proposal: To construct a 52’ x 72’ year-round two-story with basement residential building for Camp Deer Run, entitled “Falcon Cabin”, with a maximum capacity of 25 residents. Water will be from an existing well; it will have its own septic; electricity and other pole based utilities will come from an adjacent building via underground conduits.
Case #P20-21
Paul F. Zuzgo, LLS, of Prospect Mountain Survey, Agent for Timothy, Stephanie, and Kelly Ann Erickson, Owners
Map 74 Lots 23, 24, and 25, Sleeper Island
Lot Line Adjustment
Lakeshore Residential (LR) Zone
Proposal: To adjust the lot lines for 3 lots of record, which will end up with Lot 23 adjusted from .43 AC to .74 AC, and Lot 25 adjusted from .51 AC to .81 AC, which will do away with Lot 24.
Case #P20-22
Paul F. Zuzgo, LLS, of Prospect Mountain Survey, Agent for Gregory A. Ward, Owner
Map 12 Lot 61, 122 Powder Mill Road
Final Major Subdivision/Final Minor Subdivision
Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To subdivide Lot 61 into 4 lots of record, which will end up with proposed Lot 1 consisting of 11.88 AC, proposed Lot 2 consisting of 3.1 AC, proposed Lot 3 with an existing house consisting of 4.82 AC, and proposed Lot 4 with an existing heavy equipment repair garage consisting of 2.9 AC.
Case #P20-23
Randolph R. Tetreault, LLS of Norway Plains Assoc., Inc., Agent for Holmes Land Trust, c/o Richard Homes, Trustee, Owner
Map 2 Lot 23, Hollywood Beach Road/New Castle Drive
Final Minor Subdivision
Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To subdivide Lot 23 into 2 lots of record, which will end up with proposed Lot A with 3 existing cottages consisting of 16 AC, and proposed Lot B with an existing house consisting of 12 AC.
Other Business:
1. Old Business:
a. Second meeting to approve amended Alton Planning Board By-Laws and Rules of Order.
2. New Business:
a. Update from the Master Plan Committee.
3. Approval of Minutes: Planning Board meeting minutes of October 20, 2020, and November 17, 2020
4. Correspondence for the Board's review/discussion/action:
a. Case #P20-24, Voluntary Lot Merger for Steve & Janet Boucher for property located at Minge Cove Road, Map 60 Lots 7-1 & 7-2. (Continued to January 19, 2021).
b. Approval of 2021 Meeting Schedule for the Town of Alton Planning Board.
c. Application dated November 30, 2020, from Lee A. Hillsgrove with an interest in becoming an alternate member for the Planning Board.
d. Letter dated November 20, 2020, from NH DOT re: NHDOT West Alton Brook Bridge Maintenance, Project #43075.
5. Correspondence for the Board's information:
a. Construction Services Reports from Northpoint Engineering, LLC, dated July 23rd through October 30, 2020, re: W&W Ingalls Trust “Phase II”.
6. Any Other Business that may come before the Board:
a. Tom Hoopes and Scott Williams are up for reelection in 2021. January 20th through January 29, 2020, is the timeline to file with the Town Clerk.
Drew Carter, Planning Board Chairman
* If there is foul weather, a lack of a quorum, or the public on a whole cannot obtain access to the hearing electronically, the public hearing on applications will be continued to Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. at the Alton Town Hall. If necessary, the Public Hearing on Proposed Zoning Amendments for 2020-2021 will be continued to Tuesday, December 22, 2020.
**All meetings will last no longer than 10:30 p.m., with no new cases or hearings starting after 10:00 p.m., unless extended by a majority vote of the members present. Any items remaining as unfinished business on the agenda will be given priority on the agenda of the next meeting.
JAC/ Posted 12/4/2020 Revised 12/11/2020