Tuesday, December 21, 2021, at 6:00 P.M.
Call to Order
Appointment of Alternates
Election of Vice Chair for the remainder of 2021 – 2022
Approval of Agenda
1. Public Hearing on Zoning Amendments 2022
2. Final Road Approval
Case #P03-07
Thomas W. Varney, P.E., Agent for Patricia Scribner, Owner
Map 16 Lot 19A
Laura Lane/Final Road Approval/Subdivision
Rural Zone (RU)
Proposal: To obtain final road approval for the subdivision located on Laura Lane.
3. Design Review (Continued from November 16, 2021)
Case #P21-21
Scott Lawler, P.E., of Norway Plains Associates Inc., Agent for Jeffrey F. Hertel & Van E. Hertel, Sr., Owners
Map 15 Lot 9-3
Hogdon Road/Design Review/Major Site Plan
Residential Rural (RR) Zone
Proposal: To construct a Self-Storage Facility consisting of two (2) storage buildings.
Case #P21-33
Scott Lawler, P.E., of Norway Plains Associates., Inc., Agent for Keith Dube of Piperdube, LLC, Owner
Map 2 Lot 12
800 Suncook Valley Road/Design Review/Major Site Plan
Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To operate as a Contractor’s Yard for a landscaping business, and construct a Self-Storage Facility consisting of two (2) storage buildings.
Case #P21-34
Bradford Jones of Jones & Beach, Agent for Dave Fuller of Route 28 Boat Storage, LLC, Applicant; and John Matarozzo, Owner
Map 9 Lot 6
436 Suncook Valley Road Design Review/Major Site Plan
Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To construct two (2) Boat Storage buildings, a small office building, and a gravel parking area.
4. Completeness Review of Application and Public Hearing if Application is Accepted as Complete
Case #P21-30
Steve Oles, LLS, of Norway Plains, Agent for William & Ellen Quirk of East Side, LLC, and Andrew & Jennifer Fuller, Owners
Map 11 Lots 27 & 29
Dan Kelly Drive/Lot Line Adjustment
Lakeshore Residential (LR) Zone
Proposal: To adjust lot lines for two (2) lots of record, with Map 11 Lot 27 adjusted from 43.138 AC to 40.801 AC, and Map 11 Lot 29 adjusted from 9.021 AC to 11.358 AC.
Case #P21-31
Paul Zuzgo, LLS, of Prospect Mountain Survey, Agent for Jeffrey A. & Clare M. Letendre, Owners
Map 10 Lot 26
Frohock Brook Road/Final Minor Subdivision
Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To subdivide Map 10 Lot 26 into two (2) lots of record. The parent lot would consist of 18.68 AC, and the subdivided lot would consist of 2.30 AC.
Case #P21-32
Denise Pickowicz, Agent for Dean Puzzo of JOBEAN, LLC, Owner
Map 26 Lot 10
Homestead Place/Final Minor Site Plan
Residential Commercial (RC) Zone
Proposal: To change the use of the existing building to a Medical Center or Medical Laboratory use to offer chiropractic care.
Case #P21-35
Bradford Jones of Jones & Beach Engineers, Inc., Agent for Raymond & Eva Donita Dezenzo, Jr. and Dean & Cathy Sedler, Owners
Map 80 Lots 7, 8, & 9
Big Barndoor Island/Lot Line Adjustment
Lakeshore Residential (LR) Zone
Proposal: To adjust lot lines for three (3) lots of record, with Map 80 Lot 7 adjusted from 37,900 SQ FT to 57,120 SQ FT, and Map 80 Lot 9 adjusted from 35,500 SQ FT to 55,460 SQ FT, eliminating Map 80 Lot 8.
Applicant requested a continuance to the January 18, 2022, meeting.
Other Business:
1. Old Business:
a. Review and recommend the Master Plan Consultant Warrant Article to the Board of Selectmen.
b. Master Plan:
-Committee update;
-Consultant Invoice #2021-184.
2. New Business:
a. Approval of Minutes: Planning Board Meeting minutes of October 19 & November 16, 2021
3. Correspondence for the Board's review/discussion/action:
a. Approve 2022 Meeting Schedule for the Town of Alton Planning Board.
b. Discuss and approve application from Jill Houser’s request to sit on the Master Plan Committee as a Citizen Member.
c. Letter dated 15 December 2021 from John W. Dever, III, Code Official, to the Planning Board.
4. Correspondence for the Board's information:
a. Drew Carter and Russ Wilder are up for reelection in 2022. January 19th through January 28, 2022, is the timeline to file with the Town Clerk.
Any Other Business to Come Before the Board (Continued from November 16, 2021)
The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Committee and the Master Plan Committee to discuss the Town’s capital building needs based upon the input of the Town of Alton's Department Heads.
Public Input on Non-Case Specific Planning Issues
Drew Carter, Planning Board Chairman
* If there is foul weather or a lack of a quorum, the Public Hearing on Proposed Zoning Amendments for 2022 will be continued to Tuesday, December 28, 2021, and the Public Hearing on applications will be continued to Tuesday, January 18, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. at the Alton Town Hall, and.
**All meetings will last no longer than 10:30 P.M., with no new cases or hearings starting after 10:00 P.M., unless extended by a majority vote of the members present. Any items remaining as unfinished business on the agenda will be given priority on the agenda of the next meeting.
Posted 12/10/2021 Revised 12/17/2021
Notice is hereby given that the ALTON PLANNING BOARD will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2021, starting at 6:00 P.M. in the ALTON TOWN HALL, ALTON, NH, to consider proposed amendments to the Alton Zoning Ordinance for 2022 ballot vote, as follows:
1.PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED AMENDMENT #1: To amend Article 200 Definitions “Seasonal Cabin” and “Seasonal Use”, to include a “Winter Season”, and to amend Article 400 Zoning Districts Regulations, SECTION 401 D. 44. Permitted Uses - Table of Uses, to allow “Seasonal Cabin” in the Rural (RU) Zone by Special Exception.
2.PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED AMENDMENT #2: To amend Article 300 General Provisions, SECTION 328 B., C., & D. Height Restrictions, to allow an increase in the maximum height of “Boathouses/canopied boat slips” to 20 feet by Special Exception.
3.PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED AMENDMENT #3: To amend Article 300 General Provisions, to add a new section, SECTION 364 Lots in two or more Zoning Districts.
4.PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED AMENDMENT #4: To amend Article 400 Zoning Districts Regulations, SECTION 401 A. 5. Permitted Uses - Table of Uses, to strike “Garage, workshop, or shed” and insert “Non-habitable Structure” so it coincides with the definition listed in Article 200 Definitions and with SECTION 360 Non-habitable Structure as a Principal Building on a Lot.
5.PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED AMENDMENT #5: To amend Article 400 Zoning Districts Regulations, SECTION 401 D. 14. Permitted Uses - Table of Uses, to strike “or Repair Shop”.
6.PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED AMENDMENT #6: To amend Article 400 Zoning Districts Regulations, SECTION 401 D. 45. Permitted Uses - Table of Uses, to strike “or Warehouse”.
7.PLANNING BOARD PROPOSED AMENDMENT #7: To amend Article 400 Zoning Districts Regulations, SECTION 401 D. 49. Permitted Uses - Table of Uses, to strike “Travel Trailer Park/”.
Copies of the full text of the 2022 Zoning Ordinance Amendments proposed by the Planning Board are available free of charge from the Planning Department during regular business hours, are posted at the Post Office and Town Hall for viewing purposes only, and can be found on the Town of Alton website
If inclement weather or lack of a quorum necessitates cancelling the public hearing, then the public hearing will be continued to Tuesday, December 28, 2021, starting at 6:00 P.M. in the ALTON TOWN HALL, ALTON, NH. A notice shall be posted on the front door of Town Hall announcing the meeting cancellation and the continued meeting date.