Tuesday, January 21, 2020, at 6:00 p.m.
Call to Order
Appointment of Alternates
Approval of Agenda
1. Public Hearing pursuant to RSA 675:3 on proposed 2019-2020 Zoning Ordinance Amendments
2. Completeness Review of Application and Public Hearing if Application is Accepted as Complete
Case #P20-01
Paul F. Zuzgo, LLS, of Prospect Mountain Survey, Agent for W&W Ralph Trust, LLC, Owner
Ingalls Terrace Way, Map 8 Lot 3-10
Final Minor Subdivision, Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To subdivide Map 8 Lot 3-10 into two (2) lots of record: Proposed Lot 3-10-1 will consist of 3.20 AC and Lot 3-10 will be reduced to 2.12 AC.
Case #P20-02
Paul F. Zuzgo, LLS, of Prospect Mountain Survey, Agent for W&W Ralph Trust, LLC, Owner
Fallon Way, Map 8 Lot 3-12
Final Minor Subdivision, Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To subdivide Map 8 Lot 3-12 into two (2) lots of record: Proposed Lot 3-12-1 will consist of 2.17 AC and Lot 3-12 will be reduced to 3.63 AC.
Case #P20-03
Thomas W. Varney, P.E., of Varney Engineering LLC, Agent for Diane Loudon, Owner 74 Davis Road
Map 7 Lot 14 Final Minor Site Plan
Rural (RU) Zone
Proposal: To conduct a commercial function facility to include the use of a barn, which has no kitchen but includes a service area for a caterer, grounds, and an attached apartment to the house for a part time rental.
Other Business:
1. Old Business:
a. Board to discuss if sufficient funding has been provided to release the hold on building permits, re: Ridge Road/Chestnut Cove Subdivision.
2. New Business:
3. Approval of Minutes: Planning Board meeting minutes of October 15, 2019; November 19, 2019; December 12, 2019-Special Meeting; December 17, 2019; and January 7, 2020-Special Meeting.
4. Correspondence for the Board's review/discussion/action:
a. Road approval for High Point Drive/Brad Jones.
b. Release of funds for old escrow accounts. See excel sheet provided.
c. Town Engineer contracts are up in March. Board to discuss further action.
5. Correspondence for the Board's information:
6. Any Other Business that may come before the Board:
Public Input on Non-Case Specific Local Planning Issues
Roger Sample, Planning Board Chairman
Posted 1/10/2020 Amended 01/17/2020
Notice is hereby given that the ALTON PLANNING BOARD will hold a second PUBLIC HEARING on TUESDAY, January 21, 2020, starting at 6:00 P.M. in the ALTON TOWN HALL, ALTON, NH, on changes and additions to the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance by the Planning Board resulting from the first public hearing on December 17, 2019, for 2020 ballot vote, as summarized below:
1. To amend Article 200 Definitions, to amend the definition of Multi-family Structure and add a definition of Townhouse; to amend Article 400 Zoning District Regulations, Section 401 Permitted Uses - Table of Uses, A. Residential Uses, to allow the number of units in a structure for a Multi-family Structure to 6, add new use #5, Townhouse, and allow both uses by Special Exception in the Rural (RU) Zone; to amend Article 400 Zoning District Regulations, Section 440 Residential Commercial Zone, Subsection 443 Restrictions Governing Use, to add the Townhouse use and some housekeeping items; to amend Article 400 Zoning District Regulations, Section 450, Rural Zone, Subsection 452 Restrictions Governing Use, to add Multi-family Structure as a permitted use by Special Exception, add Townhouse as a permitted use, to clarify that only one of the residential uses shall be permitted per lot, to clarify the required lot area calculations and what areas are excluded in the calculation for Multi-family Structures and Townhouses, and some housekeeping items; to amend Article 400 Zoning District Regulations, Section 460 Rural Residential Zone, Subsection 463 Restrictions Governing Use, to clarify that only one single family dwelling is allowed per lot, to add Townhouse as a permitted use, and to clarify the required lot area calculations and what areas are excluded in the calculation for Duplex, Townhouse, and Multi-family Structures.
Copies of the full text of the 2020 Amendments to the Alton Zoning Ordinance proposed by the Planning Board are available free of charge from the Planning Department during regular business hours, are posted at the Post Office and Town Hall for viewing purposes only, and can be found on the Town of Alton website
If inclement weather necessitates cancelling the public hearing, then the public hearing will be continued to a "snow date" of Thursday, January 23, 2020, starting at 6:00 P.M. in the ALTON TOWN HALL, ALTON, NH. A notice shall be posted on the front door of Town Hall announcing the meeting cancellation on January 21st and the continued meeting date of January 23rd. 01/09/2020 ALTON PLANNING BOARD