Call to order at 6:00 p.m.
Introduction of Board Members
Appointment of Alternates
Statement of the Appeal Process:
The purpose of this hearing is to allow anyone concerned with an Appeal to the Board of Adjustment to present evidence for or against the Appeal. This evidence may be in the form of an opinion rather than an established fact, however, it should support the grounds, which the Board must consider when making a determination. The purpose of the hearing is not to gage the sentiment of the public or to hear personal reasons why individuals are for or against an appeal but all facts and opinions based on reasonable assumptions will be considered. In the case of an appeal for a variance, the Board must determine facts bearing upon the five criteria as set forth in the State’s Statutes. For a special exception the Board must ascertain whether each of the standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance has been or will be met.
Approval of Agenda
New Applications
Z15-26 Map 50 Lot 16-A Variance
Mark & Maria Leslie 47 Loon Cove Road
On behalf of Mark and Maria Leslie, Thomas W. Varney is requesting a Variance to Article 300, Section 327A(2) to permit the construction of a house with a portion (21’) with the 25’ setback.
This property is located in the Lakeshore Residential (LR) Zone.
Z15-33 Map 49 Lot 14 Special Exception
Z15-28 Variance
MH LaChance Jr. & LG LaChance Liv. Trust,
Maurice & Lucille LaChance Trustees 7 Dore Drive
On behalf of MH LaChance Jr. & LG LaChance Liv. Trust, Thomas W. Varney is requesting a Special Exception to Article 300, Section 320B 2 a,c,d and 320B 5 to permit a house to be demolished and the sill is to be raised approximately 1.4’. The existing portion of the patio area is to be converted into living space; and a Variance to Article 300, Section 327 a. 2., to allow the construction a porch facing the lake which will encroach an additional 8’ into the 25’ ROW/property line setback.
This property is located in the Lakeshore Residential (LR) Zone.
Z15-37 Map 37 Lot 43 Variance
Z15-31 Special Exception
Ronald Rubbico 8 Notla Lane
On behalf of Ronald Rubbico, Regina A. Nadeau, Attorney of Normandin, Cheney & O’Neil, PLLC is requesting a Variance to Article 327, Section A.1 and Article 320, Section B.2.b. to permit a encroachment of an exterior deck within 18’ of the shoreline, where a 30’ setback exists. The encroachment will not be as close to the lake as the existing non-conforming single-family structure (which is 17 ½ feet). And a Special Exception to Article 300, Section 320 B. 2.; to permit the rebuilding and expansion of a grandfathered nonconforming structure (due to setbacks).
This property is located in the Lakeshore Residential (LR) Zone.
Z15-32 Map 54 Lot 9-1 Special Exception
Leo & Cheryl Goyette 16 Roger Street
Leo and Cheryl Goyette is requesting a Special Exception to Article 300, Section 320 A.7.; to permit the increase of ridge height of the existing guest cottage.
This property is located in the Recreational Service (RS) Zone.
Other business:
1. Previous Business:
2. New Business:
3. Minutes: October 1, 2015 & November 5, 2015
4. Correspondence:
Tim Morgan, Chairman