6:00p.m., April 7, 2016
Alton Town Hall
Call to order at 6:00 p.m.
Introduction of Board Members
Appointment of Alternates
Statement of the Appeal Process:
The purpose of this hearing is to allow anyone concerned with an Appeal to the Board of Adjustment to present evidence for or against the Appeal. This evidence may be in the form of an opinion rather than an established fact, however, it should support the grounds, which the Board must consider when making a determination. The purpose of the hearing is not to gage the sentiment of the public or to hear personal reasons why individuals are for or against an appeal but all facts and opinions based on reasonable assumptions will be considered. In the case of an appeal for a variance, the Board must determine facts bearing upon the five criteria as set forth in the State’s Statutes. For a special exception the Board must ascertain whether each of the standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance has been or will be met.
Approval of Agenda
Continued Applications:
Z16-01 Map 38 Lot 30 Variance
Colin C. Spence 26 Keewaydin Drive
On behalf of Colin C. Spence, Paul Zuzgo, LLS is requesting a Variance from Article 300 Section 327 A.2 and A.3 of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a proposed garage with a 2nd floor living space, and an 8’ deck on the 2nd floor of the garage. The new construction will be encroaching on the front and side setbacks. This property is located in the Lakeshore Residential (LR) Zone.
Z16-07 Map 41 Lot 46 Rehearing of Special Exception
Marie Casaccio 13 Hummingbird Lane
Stephan T. Nix Attorney at Law, agent for Marie Casaccio, has submitted a Request for Rehearing for ZBA Case #Z16-07. The applicant has requested that, should the Request be granted, the Board proceeds directly to the rehearing the same night. This property is located in the Lakeshore Residential Zone.
New Applications:
Z16-09 Map 9 Lot 33-2 Variance
John A. Goodrich & Lisa M. Nicastro 239 Henry Wilson Highway
Attorney Michael J. Malaguti, agent for John A. Goodrich & Lisa M. Nicastro, is requesting a Variance from Article 300, Section 340 J.2 for directional signs located off site and to be limited two signs per business, institution or activity and not to exceed (16) square feet per sign and Section 340 D, the overall height of any free standing sign shall not exceed (16) feet and shall be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from any lot line of the Zoning Ordinance to construct an L-Shaped sign having two 8’ X 16’ faces, which will face Rt. 11 and will be located approximately 1’ from the edge of Rt. 11 ROW. This property is located in the Residential Rural Zone.
Z16-10 Map 8 Lot 45 Special Exception
Right Field Development, LLC 166 Wolfeboro Highway
Stephan Nix, Esq, agent for Right Field Development is requesting a Special Exception to Article 400, Section 401Table of Uses, to permit an Automobile Vehicle Washing Facility in the Residential Commercial Zone.
Z16-11 Map 3 Lot 12 Special Exception
Jill A. Royer & Cynthia M. Balcius 41 Kiana Road
Attorney Regina A. Nadeau, agent for Jill A. Royer and Cynthia M. Balcius is requesting a Special Exception to Article 300, Section 334 Commercial Function Facility to permit a function facility utilizing the barn and immediate surroundings. This property is located in the Rural Zone.
Other business:
1. Previous Business:
2. New Business: Election of Officers, ZAC Members, Alternate Appointment
3. Minutes: December 03, 2015, January 7, 2016, February 4, 2016, March 3, 2016
4. Correspondence:
Adjournment: Timothy Morgan, Chairman